Consumer Confidence ‘Bounce’ Dies, Plunges Most In 11 Months

For the first time since June, The Conference Board’s Consumer Confidence index declined YoY, plunging from near cycle highs at 104.1 (revised lower to 103.5) to 98.6 (missing 101.5 expectations), this is the biggest monthly plunge since Nov 2015, catching down to UMich and Bloomberg surveys. Employment and Business Conditions sentiment declined notably as did ‘plans to buy’ a home or appliance.

Confidence bounce dies…

Hope declines…

  • Present situation confidence fell to 120.6 vs. 127.9 last month.
  • Consumer confidence expectations fell to 83.9 vs. 87.2 last month.

“Consumer confidence retreated in October, after back-to-back monthly gains,” said Lynn Franco, Director of Economic Indicators at The Conference Board. “Consumers’ assessment of current business and employment conditions softened, while optimism regarding the short-term outlook retreated somewhat. However, consumers’ expectations regarding their income prospects in the coming months were relatively unchanged. Overall, sentiment is that the economy will continue to expand in the near-term, but at a moderate pace.”


Consumers’ outlook for the labor market was also less optimistic than in September. The proportion expecting more jobs in the months ahead decreased from 15.7 percent to 13.1 percent. However, those anticipating fewer jobs declined from 18.1 percent to 17.0 percent. The percentage of consumers expecting their incomes to increase was unchanged at 17.5 percent, while the proportion expecting a decline decreased from 10.4 percent to 9.8 percent.

We assume this will all be blamed on the election and that in reality everything is awesome… except it’s not is it?

via Tyler Durden

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