Meanwhile, This Is How They Settle Things In Georgia's Parliament

As tensions escalate in Ukraine, risk indicators flash redder than red, and the US is now considering “sanctions” against the divided nation, parliamentarians in Georgia (ironically Stalin’s birthplace) have a different way to solve their differences… as the following fight suggests…



Via The Telegraph,

Deputies from majority and opposition parties fought at the plenary session of the Georgian parliament over plans to encourage supporters of Ukraine’s European integration.


Video footage taken inside the parliament shows government officials throwing documents in the air and brawling with one another following the opposition’s suggestions.


Deputy Giorgi Baramidze wanted to encourage supporters of Ukraine’s European integration with a special resolution.


Mr Baramidze also condemned violence inflicted on participants of peaceful rallies in Kyiv.


No one was seriously injured in the incident, but opposition representatives have demanded a public apology from the parliamentary majority before they will participate in any more plenary meetings.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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