Not All Democrats Pissed About Paris Pullout – Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) Has Trump’s Back

Amid a cacophony of autistic screeching from the left following Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Accord, at least one Democrat stands strong behind the President. Senior ranking Democrat Senator from West Virginia, Joe Manchin, issued a statement saying he ‘does not believe that the Paris Agreement ensures a balance between our environment and the economy.’

Manchin – a staunch advocate for the West Virginia coal industry, has drawn criticism from the left – with some calling him a “rogue conservative Democrat” for cozying up to President Trump, as well as his not-so liberal views on energy independence. In addition to being the only democrat to cross party lines and vote to confirm Jeff Sessions, Manchin had some harsh words for White House National Economic Council director, ‘globalist’ Gary Cohn last week – after the former #2 employee at Goldman Sachs made anti-coal comments in Europe…

“Yeah, Gary, I don’t know what the hell happened with Gary. Jesus Christ, what’s wrong with these people?” Manchin joked when asked for a response to Cohn’s comments this week that coal “doesn’t make much sense anymore.” Cohn’s comments run counter to President Trump’s position on the issue, too, since Trump said the “war on coal is over” with him as president. –Breitbart


via ZeroPointNow

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