Emerging Market CDS Blow Out

The last time markets scrambled for protection against sovereign defaults was over European country collapse in the summer of 2012 around the time Mario Draghi introduced a non-existent measure to allow Europe’s nations to engage in zero reforms while their bond yields plunged. This time it is the emerging markets.

  • Argentina +139bps at 2562.07bps, hit highest since Sept.
  • Venezuela +81bps at 1398.19bps, highest since 2010
  • Turkey +11.6bps at 276.7bps, highest since June 2012
  • South Africa +10bps at 236bps, highest since Sept.

Of course, CDS aren’t telling us anything (capital-controlled) FX hasn’t already made quite clear.

Source: BBG


via Zero Hedge http://ift.tt/KPIV81 Tyler Durden

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