Giuliani Vows Regime Change At “Iran Uprising” Event; MEK Supporters Chant John McCain’s Name

Speaking at an MEK-linked event called the “Iran Uprising Summit” in New York City on Saturday, Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani told an audience that the Iranian government is “going to be overthrown” as soon as revolutionary “conditions” are ripe.

“I don’t know when we’re going to overthrow them. It could be in a few days, months, a couple of years, but it’s going to happen. They’re going to be overthrown, the people of Iran have obviously had enough,” said Giuliani at the event hosted by the Organization of Iranian-American Communities at a Times Square hotel. 

“The sanctions are working. The currency is going to nothing … These are the conditions that lead to successful revolution, and, God willing, non-violent revolution,” he said.

The speech came the same day a terror attack on a military parade took the lives of over 24 people and wounded scores more in the southwest Iranian city of Ahvaz, including children and civilians.

Guiliani’s regime change commentary also follows claims by White House and State Department officials that US is not seeking a change of government in Tehran. 

The group is made up of Iranian expat and political opposition communities in the US and is tied to the controversial Iranian opposition group in exile, Mujahideen e Khalq (MEK), which is considered by Iran and many other countries as a terrorist organization.

It is essentially a paramilitary cult and is suspected of conducting assassinations of high level Iranian figures, especially nuclear scientists and engineers for years, likely at the bidding of foreign intelligence services, as was up until a few years ago a designated terror group by the US State Department, though delisted under the Obama administration. 

Iran has recently accused the US, Israel, and regional allies like Saudi Arabia of stirring unrest inside Iran. Indeed Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei specifically blamed  “US plotting” as being behind the attack on the Ahvaz military parade on Saturday: “Their crime is the continuation of plots [hatched] by the US-led governments in the region who aim to create insecurity in our dear country,” he said according to state media

The MEK’s leader, Maryam Rajavi, also addressed the conference via Skype alongside Giuliani. Both praised President Trump’s dismantling of the Iran nuclear deal brokered under Obama, and his aggressive sanctions regimen currently sending the Iran’s currency and economy into a tailspin. Rajavi claimed during her speech that the MEK has organized special “Units of Rebellion” to cause riots and mayhem inside Iran.

MEK events have been known to include high profile American speakers who are reportedly paid hefty speaking fees. The late Senator John McCain was a fixture at their annual rallies in Paris, and former Obama NSC director Gen. James Jones also addressed Saturday’s event in New York City, and praised Trump policy on Iran. 

Perhaps one of the more bizarre moments of the so-called “Iran Uprising Summit” was the tribute video to John McCain. Immediately after the video the audience began chanting his name out of appreciation of his consistently pro-regime change and hawkish policies

In response to Giuliani’s statements expressing approval for future Tehran regime overthrow, the State Department attempted to distance itself, saying in a statement that Trump’s personal lawyer doesn’t speak for the administration. 

However, the White House has vowed to maintain economic pressure on the Islamic Republic with more sanctions to snap into place on November 4. The sanctions will especially target Iran’s energy sector, possibly dealing a final death blow to the already crippled economy.  

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