Live Hearing On Financial Stability And Data Security

Moments ago, the Senate Banking Committee started a hearing on the topic of “Financial Stability And Data Security.” We assume the topic discussed will be financial stability, the highly diluted final version of the Volcker Rule, Dodd Drank, the London Whale, and other things legislators have no understanding of. As such it will be a complete waste of time, and the only thing that can possibly force anyone to fix the broken system is the next systemic crash, one which the central banks, already all in with their bailout efforts, will be unable to resolve.

The witness list is below:

  • Honorable Mary J. Miller [view testimony]
    Under Secretary for Domestic Finance
    U. S. Department of the Treasury
  • The Honorable Daniel K. Tarullo [view testimony]
    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
  • The Honorable Martin J. Gruenberg [view testimony]
    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
  • The Honorable Thomas J. Curry [view testimony]
    Comptroller of the Currency
    Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
  • The Honorable Mary Jo White [view testimony]
    Securities and Exchange Commission
  • Honorable Mark Wetjen [view testimony]
    Acting Chariman
    Commodity Futures Trading Commission

Watch the live stream below:


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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