“Fuck The EU” – US State Department Blasts Europe; Revealed As Alleged Mastermind Behind Ukraine Unrest

A leaked recording of a telephone conversation allegedly between US assistant secretary of state Victoria Nuland and the US envoy to the Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt discussing who should be in Ukraine's next government has, according to The FT, threatened to fuel east-west tensions over the troubled nation's future. In apparent frustration with the EU – which has failed to join the US in threatening sanctions against Ukraine’s leaders if they violently crush the protests – the voice resembling Ms Nuland at one point exclaims "Fuck the EU". As the two US diplomats decide whether "Klitsch" or "Yats" should be 'in' or 'out', listeners will be reminded (uncomfortably) that the governments of Ukraine and Russia previously alleged that the protests are being funded and orchestrated by the US. The authenticity of the recording has not been confirmed (though comparisons to Nuland's recent media appearances provide some confidence).


The controversial alleged Nuland "Fuck The EU" clip… (the discussion of the EU and UN involvement begins around 2:50)


And for comparison's sake – Nuland last month delivering a statement on the situation in Ukraine…

Via The FT,


In a clip posted on YouTube, voices resembling those of Victoria Nuland, a US assistant secretary of state, and Geoffrey Pyatt, ambassador to Ukraine, are heard talking by telephone about how to resolve the stand-off in Kiev after two months of anti-government protests.


In apparent frustration with the EU – which has failed to join the US in threatening sanctions against Ukraine’s leaders if they violently crush the protests – the voice resembling Ms Nuland at one point exclaims “F**k the EU”.



The two voices suggest Arseny Yatseniuk, the opposition leader and a former foreign minister, should be in a new government in Kiev. But Vitali Klitschko, a former heavyweight boxer and identified as “top dog” among opposition leaders, is also described as inexperienced and needing to “do his political homework”.


The voice resembling Ms Nuland refers to the two men as “Yats” and “Klitsch”.



It could also bolster a propaganda campaign by the governments of Ukraine and Russia alleging that the protests that erupted against Ukraine’s President Viktor Yanukovich last November are being funded and orchestrated by the US.

As we warned previously, after the Olympics, Ukraine becomes a very hot spot indeed

The Western powers represented by the EU and the US have nothing to stand on to protect Ukraine and can only offer lip-service at best. So once again, it appears that Ukraine is doomed and the best one can hope for there, is that Russia will allow the West to leave. The countdown goes forward and the political and economic crisis is indicative of what we see with the first shot across the bow in the rising trend of the Cycle of War.


via Zero Hedge http://ift.tt/1cZekAr Tyler Durden

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