Precious Metals Jump As China Unwind Fears Spread

While we have become conditioned to accepting the morning meltdown in gold and silver prices that occurs with all too frequent visible-handedness around 8amET, this morning's mini melt-up is odd for 2 reasons: 1) It's Tuesday, which means sell everything that's not stocks; and 2) as we explained here and here, the unwind of the China CFDs could well lead to a notably higher gold (and silver) price as the forward hedges are lifted.



As we noted here, if we are right that somehow China managed to push gold lower via gold CFDs, then the unwind pushes gold higher:

Here's how that might work:

In the gold markets, the paper or synthetic 'demand/supply' dominates pricing as opposed to the non-precious metals which have at least a grain of fundamental sense to them still


Throughout 2012/2013 – as the gold CFDs were booming, Chinese demand for physical gold was soaring as the price plunged (due to the forward hedging required in the CFD transactions which pressured gold swaps/futures lower and thus dominated pricing)


As CFD unwinds hit en masse, these flows must unwind (cover hedges and ensure the underlying physical is there… and if not buy it)


This will pressure gold futures prices higher and because unlike in non-precious commodities where spot markets wag the tail of the futures markets – spot gold will likely be dragged higher also (as we know the demand for the physical has been high).


Charts: Bloomberg

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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