Senator Introduces Legislation To Mandate Voter ID For States That Mandate Vaccine Passports

Senator Introduces Legislation To Mandate Voter ID For States That Mandate Vaccine Passports

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

After New York City announced that it will mandate vaccine passports for entry to events and even restaurants and gyms, a Republican Senator has introduced a bill that would make it mandatory for any state using a vaccine pass system to also use a voter ID system.

The government mandated vaccine pass, which is being called the “Key to NYC Pass,” will become effective later this month and will also apply to employees of businesses using it.

The New York Post reports that the scheme “marks a significant escalation of the city’s efforts to curb the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases driven by the Delta variant, and will launch in mid-August and enforcement will begin in September following a public service announcement campaign, administration officials said.”

The report notes that there will not be an option to produce a negative test, and just as in San Francisco’s bars, the unvaccinated will be forced to eat and drink outdoors only.

Mayor Bill de Blasio proclaimed last week “We’ve got to shake people at this point and say, ‘Come on now.’ We tried voluntary. We could not have been more kind and compassionate. Free testing, everywhere you turn, incentives, friendly, warm embrace. The voluntary phase is over. It’s time for mandates, because it’s the only way to protect our people.”

New York is now officially a two tier city.

Curiously though, anyone can still vote there without showing ID, a double standard exposed by Sen. Kevin Cramer, R-North Dakota, who has introduced a bill to mandate voter ID.

“If states that take federal money for elections feel the need to make residents verify a piece of information as private as their vaccination status just to return to normalcy, then they should have no problem requiring people to prove they are who they say they are when they go to vote,” Cramer said in a statement.

Cramer added that the measure “would ensure that those states are consistent in their identification requirements and shine a light on those who hypocritically oppose voter ID laws but support vaccine passports.”

When asked about the vaccine passport mandate in New York, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki expressed support, dismissing Peter Doocy’s point that many Americans are waiting for the FDA to fully approve vaccines or simply do not want the vaccine for religious or medical reasons.

Psaki also avoided answering a question from a Daily Caller reporter who noted that communities of color have lower vaccination rates than white New Yorkers, and therefore the same ‘it’s discriminatory’ argument Democrats have applied against the introduction of voter ID applies to the vaccine pass system.

Others pointed out the double standard:

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Tyler Durden
Wed, 08/04/2021 – 16:20

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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