Malone, Kirsch, & Wuhan Whistleblower Hit Maui To Promote Rational Debate On All Things Covid

Malone, Kirsch, & Wuhan Whistleblower Hit Maui To Promote Rational Debate On All Things Covid

As protests against Covid-19 mandates rage in major cities around the world, a group of US-based truth seekers took to Maui over the weekend to headline the ‘Free Maui Unity March & Rally’ – where they promoted the free exchange of information untainted by government narratives, and an evidence-based approach to handling the pandemic so that people can make informed medical decisions without fear of retribution.

Photos courtesy of Ed Dowd

Among the attendees were Dr. Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Frontline Doctors Ryan Cole and Richard Urso, and a guest appearance by Whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan – a Chinese virologist who worked in a WHO reference lab in Hong Kong and has published evidence that Covid-19 was created in a lab.

Former Blackrock portfolio manager Ed Dowd attended a pre-rally private dinner with the speakers, and told Zero Hedge that topics discussed included the “coordinated effort to prevent early treatment of Covid with pre-existing available drugs,” and that currently available vaccines are “experimental, don’t work and have more risk than benefit.

“We can’t even begin to know the long term effects of the vaccines – one of many concerns to the doctors on the panel. Usually a vaccine requires 7-10 years of data before it can be approved,” Dowd added.

On Saturday, hundreds – if not thousands of Hawaiians turned out for a march opposing pandemic restrictions and vaccine mandates, eventually ending up at the War Memorial Stadium to hear the featured speakers.

One of the speakers, Steve Kirsch – a tech mogul who made hundreds of millions in Silicon valley, and started the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund (CETF) – spoke at length about vaccine safety, and has compiled several arguments against the Covid-19 vaccine in a lengthy PDF. Kirsch challenges anyone to refute his data. Instead, he was pushed out of his most recent position as CEO of a tech startup, and treated to a Daily Beast hit-piece.

Trained as an engineer, Kirsch maintains that the vaccine is ineffective, more dangerous than the virus itself, and that the medical field is under constant threat to stick to official narratives or face smear campaigns. Within minutes of Dowd uploading his Saturday speech, YouTube deleted it – forcing him to upload it to free speech platform Rumble instead.

The headliners gathered for a second dinner Saturday evening, at which Kirsch said that despite losing vast wealth and opportunities in his mission to educate people “if my data about these vaccines can save just one life it’s worth it to me.”

Dr. Robert Malone – a pivotal figure in the development of mRNA vaccine technology and staunch advocate for medical freedom, proposed what he calls the “Maui plan,” which contains three elements:

1. Early treatment options
2. The right for doctors to practice medicine how they see fit without fear of retribution (“The media is not trained to practice medicine. The politicians are not trained to practice medicine”).
3. “Don’t vaccinate our children.”

“The risk to kids from this pandemic are about zero,” said Malone. “Pretty darn close. In something like 400 deaths in children since the beginning as identified by the CDC, every single one of those is in children that had major preexisting medical conditions.”

“Let’s stop the fear being put on our children. The fear is what’s damaging our children, it’s not the virus,” said Malone (who has yet to be un-personed by YouTube), adding “If there are superspreaders, it’s probably the vaccinated adults who are having less symptoms, going to the grocery store, going into the schools, going into the hospitals, going into state government – whether they’re vaxxed or not, the vaccines are not protecting them against Delta.”

Tyler Durden
Sun, 10/17/2021 – 21:00

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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