The “Great Reset” & The Future Of Money… Here’s What You Need To Know

The “Great Reset” & The Future Of Money… Here’s What You Need To Know

Authored by Nick Giambruno via,

International Man: What is the idea behind the so-called “Great Reset?”

Nick Giambruno: We’ve seen countless examples of the self-identified elite in the West using that term.

But let me first ask, who put these people in charge? Who anointed them the leaders of the world?

They’re not only talking about resetting the financial system but dramatically changing the nature of life.

I think something sinister is going on, and they’re not even trying to hide it anymore. It’s all in the open now.

So, let me try to summarize something incredibly complex.

These people recognize the current international monetary system based on the US dollar is on its way out. Even Jerome Powell, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, acknowledges that the US dollar’s supremacy is fading.

Although they would prefer to continue milking the current system, they realize it’s failing and the need to bridge the gap to a new system which they hope to control.

Nobody knows what the next international monetary system will look like—not even the elites. However, they know what they want it to look like.

They want a complete control grid with central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), movement licenses, mandatory medical procedures, and a social credit system, among other nasty things.

Simply put, the Great Reset agenda is a high-tech, totalitarian, global panopticon.

In short, they want total control over you in all domains—a new feudalism.

They’re emotionally manipulating people with fear and false narratives into accepting things they ordinarily wouldn’t—like their enslavement.

That’s what their Great Reset agenda is all about. It’s self-evidently anathema to personal freedom, human dignity, and self-determination.

Whether the self-proclaimed elites get all or some of those things is an open question.

The best scenario for mankind would be for most major governments to go bankrupt—which they are well on their way to—before they can implement the Great Reset agenda.

International Man: It seems changing the money so that governments can have more control over people is a big part of this plan. How do you see it?

Nick Giambruno: I see it like this.

Don’t let any government, whether it’s the US government, the Chinese government, or a global government entity like the IMF, tell you what money is.

Money does not need to come from the government. That’s a total misnomer that the average person has been brainwashed into believing.

It would be similar to transporting yourself back in time and asking the average person in the Soviet Union, “Where do shoes come from?”

They would say, “Well, the government makes the shoes. Where else could they come from? Who else could make the shoes?”

It’s the same mentality here regarding money today—except it’s much more widespread.

The truth is money doesn’t need to come from the government any more than shoes do.

People have used stones, glass beads, salt, cattle, seashells, gold, silver, and other commodities as money at different times.

However, for over 2,500 years, gold has been mankind’s most enduring form of money.

Gold didn’t become money by accident or because some politicians decreed it. Instead, it became money because countless individuals throughout history and across many different civilizations subjectively came to the same conclusion: gold is money.

It resulted from a market process of people looking for the best way to store and exchange value.

So, why did they go to gold? What makes gold attractive as money?

Here’s why.

Gold has a set of unique characteristics that make it suitable as money.

Gold is durable, divisible, consistent, convenient, scarce, and most important, it’s the “hardest” of all physical commodities. In other words, gold is “hard to produce” relative to existing stockpiles and the one physical commodity most resistant to inflation of its supply. That’s what gives gold its monetary properties.

Bitcoin shares many of gold’s monetary characteristics. Like physical gold, Bitcoin does not have counterparty risk, and nobody can arbitrarily inflate the supply.

Here’s the bottom line.

I would encourage people to be sovereign individuals and recognize what works best for them as a vehicle to store and exchange value, rather than thoughtlessly accepting whatever the government gives them as money.

International Man: What makes government money dangerous?

Nick Giambruno: Governments reap enormous power from their racket of printing fake money out of thin air and forcing their citizens to use it. Whether it’s Venezuela, Lebanon, Argentina, or the US, it’s the same scam. It allows governments to act like vampires and feast on their citizens’ savings.

Imagine if you had that kind of immense power?

You could create something with little to no effort and then force everyone else to accept and use it as money. You could create paper wealth out of thin air and cut your enemies off from the economy. You’d be very powerful.

That’s why all governments treasure their monopoly on money.

Remember, government money is political money. It’s a potent tool to steal from and control you.

Remember what happened to the truckers in Canada in early 2022? With no due process or judicial review, the Canadian government seized their bank accounts at the flip of a switch. The government granted itself the power and made it a simple administrative task.

We will see many more of these kinds of actions—and more severe ones—soon.

International Man: What can the average person do about this?

Nick Giambruno: I’ve studied money, monetary policy, and monetary history. I’ve been to Zimbabwe, Argentina, Lebanon, and other countries that have experienced hyperinflation.

In my view, the most important attribute of money is that it is hard to produce—its “hardness.” In other words, something that is resistant to inflation of its supply.

Think of money like a claim on human time. It’s like stored life or energy.

Would you want to put that in something that somebody else can create with no effort or cost?

Of course, you wouldn’t.

It would be like storing your life savings in Chuck E. Cheese arcade tokens or airline frequent flyer miles. Putting your savings into government currencies isn’t that much different.

What you want to do is to put your money into something that someone else cannot make easily.

Here’s the bottom line.

The vast majority of humanity does not understand what makes for a good money. Instead, they’ve been hypnotized into believing something inferior—the scraps of paper or digital entries that governments can create with no effort—is good money.

It’s a sad state of affairs and one of the biggest swindles in human history.

To enact their Great Reset agenda, the elites count on the average person not understanding the issues around money. They are relying on people blindly swallowing their poisonous CBDCs.

The most effective thing the average person can do to fight against this agenda is not to store their life force in government currencies. That way, the government—and the elites behind them—cannot use inflation to siphon off your monetary energy to fund their nefarious plans.

The idea is to put a meaningful portion of your savings into hard assets, apolitical, neutral money that has no counterparty risk and is resistant to inflation.

I put physical gold coins in your possession, as well as Bitcoin, in that category. But only Bitcoin where you control the private keys and do not depend on the permission of a third party—like an exchange or custodian—to access your money.

There’s much more to cover…

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I have more details in an urgent PDF report I just released on where this is all headed. It includes how to protect yourself and the best ways position yourself for big gains no matter what happens. It’s called “The Most Dangerous Economic Crisis in 100 Years… the Top 3 Strategies You Need Right Now.” Click here to download the PDF it now.

Tyler Durden
Fri, 01/27/2023 – 16:28

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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