Rebooted Clinton Global Initiative Licks Chops Over Ukraine ‘Humanitarian’ Aid

Rebooted Clinton Global Initiative Licks Chops Over Ukraine ‘Humanitarian’ Aid

The now-revived Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) has found a new grift – Ukraine.

But first – a short review. The Clintons, through their foundation, fleeced Haiti to the tune of Billions following the 2010 earthquake which killed an estimated 220,000 people.

  • Hillary Clinton’s State Department pressured Haiti to suppress their minimum wage in sweatshops in order to benefit US clothing manufacturers   

  • Clinton Foundation donors were were handed government contracts to clean up in the aftermath of the earthquake.

  • Bill Clinton intervened in the jail sentence of Laura Silsby, a convicted child trafficker who attempted to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti.

  • A former Haitian government official set to expose the Clinton Foundation’s misdeeds in Haiti shot himself in the head a week before he was able to testify.

  • The Clinton Foundation even grifted Haiti’s lime industry.

  • Haiti’s former Senate president said Hillary Clinton ‘tried to bribe me!

CGI was shuttered in 2017 after Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election and donations mysteriously dried up. It was rebooted in 2022.

And now, Ukraine.

According to the ABC News, CGI will launch the “Ukraine Action Network” with the stated mission of delivering ‘humanitarian aid’ to Ukrainians, which will “mobilize existing CGI partners, as well as new leaders from around the world, to create and finance new commitments for Ukrainians.”

Pope Francis kicked off the new initiative in a videoconference with Bill Clinton on Monday, where he said “No challenge is too great if we meet it starting with personal conversion and the personal contribution that each of us can make to solve it… No challenge can be overcome alone — not alone, only together, sisters and brothers, children of God.”

The CGI Ukraine Action Network is the result of a collaboration between Hillary Clinton and Olena Zelenska, first lady of Ukraine, that began last year. The new organization, which will be formally announced Tuesday, is designed to mobilize existing CGI partners, as well as new leaders from around the world, to create and finance new commitments for Ukrainians, according to CGI. Numerous monetary commitments for Ukraine are also set to be announced Tuesday. -ABC News

We’re sure this will go well, particularly for the children of war-torn Ukraine, and CGI donors.


Tyler Durden
Thu, 09/21/2023 – 05:45

via ZeroHedge News Tyler Durden

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