Europe Demands Banks Hand Over Their Lunch Money Following Swiss Franc Libor Rigging

…And don’t do it again!

Having confirmed that RBS, UBS, JPMorgan,,and Credit Suisse operated a cartell to manipulate bid-ask spreads of Swiss Franc libor, the European Commission has unleashed unmerciless vengeance on these law-breaking institutions:

JPMorgan fined EUR 72.2 Million, UBS fined EUR 12.7 Million, Credit Suisse fined EUR 9.17 Million, & RBS Nothing (for whistle-blowing).

The commission found that these four entities ‘influenced’ interest rate derivatives prices between March 2008 and July 2009 – probably the most volatile and price-sensitive period of American financial history.. and they get fined “an hour’s pay?”

Nothing ever changes…


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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