Meet The New Generation Of Futures Traders

Confused about futures trading? Uncomfortable with margin-ing, leverage, and just how much money you can make (or lose) trading derivatives? Have no fear, in a little under 55 seconds, these five- and six-year olds succinctly summarize the meaning of money and investing in corn, equity, and cocoa futures…


Forget this week’s “20 under 20-year old traders”, “Mila Kunis portolio modeling” or “confessions of a teenage trader” and ignore the latest “kittens who can trade better than you” slideshow… here is the real deal…


As Yellen may have been overheard saying back stage at her recent inequality speech: “why don’t the poor just trade futures, even these 5- and and 6-year olds get it!!”

via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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