Obama Announces Nomination Of New Head Of America's $230 Trillion Derivative Pyramid – Live Webcast

With Kill-Bill body-double Chilton fading poetically into the dark, and Gensler gone, President Obama is set to nominate Timothy Massad to the Chairmanship of the CFTC. We can't wait to hear how the man who was responsible for bailing out the banks at any cost, will now make sure these same banks don't do anything bad again. And he will also, somehow, "supervise" America's $234 trillion in derivatives and make sure nothing bad ever happens there too?

Somehow, we are a little skeptical. Sure enough: "The party-line split on the commission would probably delay votes on contentious Dodd-Frank regulations." In other words more of the same "nothing must change" hard line stance the CFTC has so sternly pursued since the crisis, and before.

The President is due to speak at 1520ET



via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/GHSwDfxcuho/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Obama Announces Nomination Of New Head Of America’s $230 Trillion Derivative Pyramid – Live Webcast

With Kill-Bill body-double Chilton fading poetically into the dark, and Gensler gone, President Obama is set to nominate Timothy Massad to the Chairmanship of the CFTC. We can't wait to hear how the man who was responsible for bailing out the banks at any cost, will now make sure these same banks don't do anything bad again. And he will also, somehow, "supervise" America's $234 trillion in derivatives and make sure nothing bad ever happens there too?

Somehow, we are a little skeptical. Sure enough: "The party-line split on the commission would probably delay votes on contentious Dodd-Frank regulations." In other words more of the same "nothing must change" hard line stance the CFTC has so sternly pursued since the crisis, and before.

The President is due to speak at 1520ET



via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/GHSwDfxcuho/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Venezuela Dispatches Army To Enforce Appliance "Fair Price" Ceiling After Looting Ensues

Over the weekend, in “Venezuela Government “Occupies” Electronics Retail Chain, Enforces “Fair” Prices“, we reported that unpopular president Nicolas Maduro ordered the “occupation” of a chain of electronic goods stores in a crackdown on what the socialist government views as price-gouging hobbling the country’s economy. Various managers of the five-store, 500-employee Daka chain – the local equivalent of Best Buy – have been arrested, and the company would be forced to sell products at “fair prices.” Since then things have escalated rapidly. Because as we queried, and many wondered, the first question that arose is how would Maduro i) assure that prices were indeed kept at their “fair values” and ii) how would the cool, calm and orderly social order be preserved when suddenly everyone scrambles to buy all those flatscreens (which may have certain operational problems once the socialist paradise is hit with daily electric brown and blackouts very soon) they have been dreaming of for years. Now we know: with the help of the army.

NBC reports that in his “fight” against the economic “war” that he says the political opposition, in collusion with the United States, is waging against Venezuela, President Nicolas Maduro ordered the military occupation of a chain of electronics stores over the weekend, forcing the company to charge “fair” prices. This is happening hours after Maduro also promised that he will lower prices of mobile phones: will battalion regimens be tasked with making sure iPhone 5S are sold at a net profit for Apple?

But back to serious matters such as how brilliant socialist decrees result in immediate looting:

Pictures shared on social media as well as local newspaper reports said that one store in the country’s central city of Valencia faced looting. Some critics suggested that the entire operation was a form of looting organized by the government, just in time for municipal elections in December.

“This is for the good of the nation,” Maduro said on state television. “Leave nothing on the shelves, nothing in the warehouses … Let nothing remain in stock!”

Pay attention: this is coming to every “developed” banana republic near you.

Head of the High Commission for the People’s Defence of the Economy Hebert Garcia Plaza attempted to explain the government’s decision to take over Daka on state television on Friday, accusing the chain of unfair markups.


From a Daka store in Caracas, the government minister tweeted a picture of a washer/dryer that “cost 39,000 VEF on November 1 and today costs 59,000 VEF, a nearly 100 percent rise in a week.”

And while observed from the outside what is going on in Venezuela is a hoot, it hardly is to those stuck in the socialist paradise:

Local economist Jose Guerra, a former Central Bank official, was critical of not just the events at Daka but the bigger picture. “Food today, hunger tomorrow,” he wrote on Twitter.


Venezuela’s opposition leader, Henrique Capriles, has long blamed the government for the state of the country’s economy. On Saturday, he tweeted: “Everything Maduro does leads to further destruction of the economy.”


“Today it’s Daka. Tomorrow it’ll be the banks where you save your money,” tweeted Maria G. Colmenares, a professor at a local university.


Oscar Diaz resorted to sarcasm to make his point: “Daka had flour, sugar, milk and other basics. The shortage is over! Ah sorry, they sell [appliances]! Oops.”

At this point there is little left to comment on either Venezuela, or the rest of the world that has adopted the same “fairness doctrine” principle. Best to just sit back and consume the trans-fat free popcorn.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/7yjl0j-7skE/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Venezuela Dispatches Army To Enforce Appliance “Fair Price” Ceiling After Looting Ensues

Over the weekend, in “Venezuela Government “Occupies” Electronics Retail Chain, Enforces “Fair” Prices“, we reported that unpopular president Nicolas Maduro ordered the “occupation” of a chain of electronic goods stores in a crackdown on what the socialist government views as price-gouging hobbling the country’s economy. Various managers of the five-store, 500-employee Daka chain – the local equivalent of Best Buy – have been arrested, and the company would be forced to sell products at “fair prices.” Since then things have escalated rapidly. Because as we queried, and many wondered, the first question that arose is how would Maduro i) assure that prices were indeed kept at their “fair values” and ii) how would the cool, calm and orderly social order be preserved when suddenly everyone scrambles to buy all those flatscreens (which may have certain operational problems once the socialist paradise is hit with daily electric brown and blackouts very soon) they have been dreaming of for years. Now we know: with the help of the army.

NBC reports that in his “fight” against the economic “war” that he says the political opposition, in collusion with the United States, is waging against Venezuela, President Nicolas Maduro ordered the military occupation of a chain of electronics stores over the weekend, forcing the company to charge “fair” prices. This is happening hours after Maduro also promised that he will lower prices of mobile phones: will battalion regimens be tasked with making sure iPhone 5S are sold at a net profit for Apple?

But back to serious matters such as how brilliant socialist decrees result in immediate looting:

Pictures shared on social media as well as local newspaper reports said that one store in the country’s central city of Valencia faced looting. Some critics suggested that the entire operation was a form of looting organized by the government, just in time for municipal elections in December.

“This is for the good of the nation,” Maduro said on state television. “Leave nothing on the shelves, nothing in the warehouses … Let nothing remain in stock!”

Pay attention: this is coming to every “developed” banana republic near you.

Head of the High Commission for the People’s Defence of the Economy Hebert Garcia Plaza attempted to explain the government’s decision to take over Daka on state television on Friday, accusing the chain of unfair markups.


From a Daka store in Caracas, the government minister tweeted a picture of a washer/dryer that “cost 39,000 VEF on November 1 and today costs 59,000 VEF, a nearly 100 percent rise in a week.”

And while observed from the outside what is going on in Venezuela is a hoot, it hardly is to those stuck in the socialist paradise:

Local economist Jose Guerra, a former Central Bank official, was critical of not just the events at Daka but the bigger picture. “Food today, hunger tomorrow,” he wrote on Twitter.


Venezuela’s opposition leader, Henrique Capriles, has long blamed the government for the state of the country’s economy. On Saturday, he tweeted: “Everything Maduro does leads to further destruction of the economy.”


“Today it’s Daka. Tomorrow it’ll be the banks where you save your money,” tweeted Maria G. Colmenares, a professor at a local university.


Oscar Diaz resorted to sarcasm to make his point: “Daka had flour, sugar, milk and other basics. The shortage is over! Ah sorry, they sell [appliances]! Oops.”

At this point there is little left to comment on either Venezuela, or the rest of the world that has adopted the same “fairness doctrine” principle. Best to just sit back and consume the trans-fat free popcorn.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/7yjl0j-7skE/story01.htm Tyler Durden

What Would Happen If There Was No Central Bank?

The establishment would have us believe that a world without central banks would be ‘like all the worst parts of the bible’, but as Professor Lawrence White notes, as failures among central banking systems mount, it is time to reconsider the alternative of free banking. Private banks would be able to circulate money by issuing notes and checks redeemable for coin. Trustworthy banks would make arrangements to accept each other’s notes and checks. Banks would have better incentives than the federal government to ensure their currency retained its value, because if it didn’t, people would bank elsewhere. By contrast, White notes, central banks controlled by the government are able to devalue currency as they see fit and can even quit redeeming notes for coins of real value if they want to do so. It sounds like social-science fiction, but there are numerous real-world examples in history of successful free-banking systems.



via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/PShQg9kYmxI/story01.htm Tyler Durden

WTF Chart Of The Day: Russell 2000 Edition

Many have likened the ETF structure of today to the CDO structure of the last bubble as the potential catalyst for accelerating moves in risk markets. If that is the case, then the collapse in the shares outstanding of the massively popular and liquid Russell 2000 ETF IWM will likley make some ask WTF?



This is the largest 2-week plunge in IWM shares outstanding since August 2010 – which marked a 13% collapse in stocks that was saved only by Bernanke’s Jackson Hole ‘hint’ that QE2 was coming…


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/G4kEoVOjVOA/story01.htm Tyler Durden

From The Geniuses Who Brought You Brosurance, Here Comes Obamacare… For Sluts?

Obamacare – it’s not just for college-age kegstanders... now available to sluts easy women across the United States…



And lest you think the brilliant minds behind Obamacare are sexist, here is how young males were portrayed a few short weeks ago – Obamacare: the unaffordable, equally offensive to everyone, with care, act.


(h/t @sarahkliff)


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/ewjG_DZtdDg/story01.htm Tyler Durden

The Fed Has Pumped the System in 90+% of Months Going Back to 2008


The markets have been extremely quiet the last few days. With the exception of the hard selling that occurred on Thursday it’s been a snooze fest.

The reason for this is that no one wants to commit heavily to a position at the moment. We’re all well aware of the negatives the market is facing, namely declining earnings, a weakening economy, the decreasingly marginal effect of Fed intervention, etc.


However, no one wants to commit heavily to shorting the markets because they’re all too afraid that the Fed or “someone” will step in to prop up the markets should any significant drop occur.


This has happened repeatedly in the last year: every time the market began to crumble and take out support, “someone” stepped in a started buying. And soon stocks were back off to the races.



At this point we all know that the “someone” is the Fed. Numerous Fed officials have pointed to the rising stock market as a sign that Fed intervention has been “successful.”


Moreover, the Fed has barely left the markets alone since 2008.


If you go back to the first announcement of QE 1 in November 2008, there have only been two periods in which the Fed wasn’t engaging in direct monetary interventions its balance sheet between the end of QE 1 and the launch of QE 2 (June 2010-November 2010) and from the end of QE 2 until the launch of Operation Twist (June 2011-September 2011).


A total of 60 months have passed since the Fed announced QE 1. The Fed was not engaged in major monetary interventions in only six months out of these 60. Put another way, the Fed has been actively intervening to the tune of billions of dollars in 90% of ALL months since it began QE 1.


Even during the brief periods in which the Fed wasn’t officially engaging in a major monetary program, it still routinely expanded its balance sheet during options expiration week every month.


If you remove those weeks from the periods in which the Fed wasn’t officially engaging in a program, you’re left with a total of just 4.5 months in which the Fed wasn’t actively pumping the markets.


That’s 4.5 months out of 60, or less than 8%.


For a FREE Special Report outlining how to protect your portfolio a market collapse, swing by: http://phoenixcapitalmarketing.com/special-reports.html


Best Regards,


Phoenix Capital Research








via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/oqpKO3xJyyQ/story01.htm Phoenix Capital Research

Americans 34 Times More Interested In Buying Guns Than Obamacare

It would appear that the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) website – required when purchasing a gun or explosive – is capable of handling large volumes of users…


Source: FBI

(h/t @Not_Jim_Cramer)


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/kW13ouM6ZG0/story01.htm Tyler Durden