5 Things To Ponder: The “2014 New Year’s” Edition

Submitted by Lance Roberts of STA Wealth Management,

While the markets finished 2013 less than two points from my target of 1850; the start of 2014 was less than exuberant as the markets turned in the steepest loss for the first trading day of a new year since 2008.  What does this mean for the rest of 2014?  Likely not much.  The old Wall Street axioms of "the first 5 trading days" and "so goes January, so goes the year" tend to be statistically more important.  However, it did get me thinking about the new year from a more macro perspective.  This weekend's "Things To Ponder" is a collection of ideas to get you to do the same.

1) No Catalyst Needed by Henry Blodgett

"I own stocks, so I'm certainly enjoying the advance. But unlike some other investors, I'm not feeling more comfortable as they move higher. Rather, I'm feeling less comfortable.




Because I do not think that time-tested market valuation measures have recently become out-moded and irrelevant. As I've described, these valuation measures suggest that today's stock prices have gotten so extreme that returns over the next decade are likely to be lousy (less than 2% per year, including dividends). So that's what I'm expecting long-term stock returns from these prices to be.


Now, valuation is not helpful as a market-timing tool, so today's prices do not mean that stocks will crash anytime soon (or ever). Instead, stocks could deliver lousy returns just by moving sideways for a decade.


But anyone who has followed the stock market for a while knows that stock prices do not generally correct valuation extremes by moving sideways. Rather, stocks generally correct sharply.


That's why I've said I think the odds of a market crash are increasing."

The entire article is worth reading, but the key point is that history suggest that corrections can happen without there being some major economic or financial catalysts.  Reversions to the mean can, and do, happen throughout history and wreck havoc on individuals retirement goals.  Avoid becoming too complacent with the financial markets, and the amount of risk that you are taking within your portfolio.

2) Q&A On The 2014 Outlook by Pragmatic Capitalist

My friend Cullen Roche took a stab at answering 10 questions for 2014.

1. Will the economy accelerate to above-trend growth?  No.


2. Will consumer spending improve? Consumer spending is likely to continue stagnating.


3. Will capital expenditures rebound? Corporations are increasingly picking up the slack in the US economy and as has been historically true, as we enter the latter stages of the business cycle, capital expenditures are picking up.


4. Will housing continue to recover? National housing prices have risen too far too fast in many areas of the USA and should see much more modest improvements in the coming years.


5. Will labor force participation rate stabilize?  The improvement in the economy combined with the structural negatives do not leave me entirely optimistic that the labor force participation rate will see material improvement in 2014.


6. Will profit margins contract? The likely risk to profit growth and margins is to the downside.


7. Will core inflation stay below the 2% target? I would expect core inflation to remain low as consumer demand for shelter, autos and other core items remains tepid.


8. Will QE3 end in 2014? QE is likely to taper in increasing increments during 2014, but I do not think the Fed will pull the punch bowl away just yet.


9. Will the market point to the first rate hike in 2016? I am going to go way against the consensus here and argue that the next recession is likely to occur before the next rate hike.


10. Will the secular stagnation theme gain more adherents?  I think the fragile economy combined with the potential for an overly bullish stock market could pose risks to the economy in the coming years.

 3) Gleaning Clues For A Forecast Of Year Ahead via NY Times

 Why do we forecast when the majority of forecasts are always wrong?  Paul Sullivan explores this idea.

"WHY PREDICT? Whatever its value, the one-year prediction, Mr. Ryan said, is ingrained in who we are as people. 'We account for our life in four seasons," he said. 'What did farmers focus on in the summer? What the fall crop was going to be. What did they focus on in the winter? How much rain they were going to get in the spring. We talk and think in temporal terms. The year ahead — it's always reinforced.'

Others find the exercise of one-year predictions a waste of time. 'Nine out of 10 times when I'm asked what will happen next year, I say stocks will tend to perform along the historical average, which is 10 to 12 percent a year,' said John Buckingham, chief investment officer of Afam Capital and editor of the Prudent Speculator newsletter. 'Have I ever been right? No. I don't care what the market will do. I had an expectation of 12 percent at the beginning of the year, and I was wrong. But I'm up 30 some percent in my portfolios and I'll take that.'


He added that revising predictions during the year could be equally perilous: 'The best time to get out of equities this year was August. We had Syria, the Fed talking about tapering, a government shutdown and September and October are generally bad months. What happened? We were up 4 percent each month.'


But his biggest worry was the predictions he had seen for another 20 percent increase in stock prices. 'I'd rather have a contrarian view,' he said.


Of course, that is still a prediction, even if it goes against the grain.'"

4) Can The Wall Street Bull Continue Charging In 2014? by Adam Shell, USA Today

"Do U.S. stocks have any rocket fuel left in the tank after skyrocketing to their steepest annual price climb in 16 years?


After posting its best return since 1997, the odds of the broad Standard & Poor's 500 stock index delivering an encore performance of similarly epic proportions in 2014 is unlikely.


Yet, while Wall Street isn't expecting gains of 25% to 30% again in 2014, after a 29.6% return for the S&P 500 index in 2013, most stock market predictions lean bullish. More gains (albeit, less sizable ones) and more record highs are likely. There's a long list of positive propellants working in the stock market's favor."

He specifically notes:

  • An improving economy
  • Pickup in corporate spending
  • Increased consumer confidence
  • Still easy Fed
  • The "Great Rotation" into stocks.

5) On The Other Hand Stocks Could Fall By 20% via Wall Street Journal

"U.S. stocks can't go straight up forever. And if the end of QE1 and QE2 taught investors anything, the market could suffer a significant correction this year as the Federal Reserve starts dialing back its stimulus.


That view comes courtesy of Peter Boockvar, managing director and chief market analyst at the Lindsey Group, who on Thursday predicted the S&P 500 could drop 15% to 20% in 2014 and finish the year between 1550 and 1600.


'QE doesn't create a safer world, it is just a temporary high and the danger always comes on the flip side as previously seen,' he says. 'Let's be honest, we are in an investing world that none of us has ever seen before with central banks around the world being aggressive in concert on a scale never seen.'


'These are not normal times where the ordinary analysis of company fundamentals and the economic and earnings outlook are the main drivers.'


'Our drunken friends have had some cheap thrills in 2013, but this stock market growth rests on an unstable foundation of artificial stimulus and cheap money,' writes Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital. 'We are more interested in waking up without a hangover, a wrecked car, or worse. The longer interest rates remain suppressed, the crazier markets will behave when rates rise.'


'QE puts beer goggles on investors by creating a line of sight where everything looks good, but the Fed's current plan is to end it by year end,' he says. 'While the bull case says this is no problem because it only happens coincident with a better economy, the bond market is repricing the cost of capital higher and that will clear out the goggles as our economy is still very leveraged…and highly dependent on free flowing and abnormally cheap money.'"

Regardless of what actually happens in the year ahead – may your year be healthy, safe and happy.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/A3laUhMYe1w/story01.htm Tyler Durden

5 Things To Ponder: The "2014 New Year's" Edition

Submitted by Lance Roberts of STA Wealth Management,

While the markets finished 2013 less than two points from my target of 1850; the start of 2014 was less than exuberant as the markets turned in the steepest loss for the first trading day of a new year since 2008.  What does this mean for the rest of 2014?  Likely not much.  The old Wall Street axioms of "the first 5 trading days" and "so goes January, so goes the year" tend to be statistically more important.  However, it did get me thinking about the new year from a more macro perspective.  This weekend's "Things To Ponder" is a collection of ideas to get you to do the same.

1) No Catalyst Needed by Henry Blodgett

"I own stocks, so I'm certainly enjoying the advance. But unlike some other investors, I'm not feeling more comfortable as they move higher. Rather, I'm feeling less comfortable.




Because I do not think that time-tested market valuation measures have recently become out-moded and irrelevant. As I've described, these valuation measures suggest that today's stock prices have gotten so extreme that returns over the next decade are likely to be lousy (less than 2% per year, including dividends). So that's what I'm expecting long-term stock returns from these prices to be.


Now, valuation is not helpful as a market-timing tool, so today's prices do not mean that stocks will crash anytime soon (or ever). Instead, stocks could deliver lousy returns just by moving sideways for a decade.


But anyone who has followed the stock market for a while knows that stock prices do not generally correct valuation extremes by moving sideways. Rather, stocks generally correct sharply.


That's why I've said I think the odds of a market crash are increasing."

The entire article is worth reading, but the key point is that history suggest that corrections can happen without there being some major economic or financial catalysts.  Reversions to the mean can, and do, happen throughout history and wreck havoc on individuals retirement goals.  Avoid becoming too complacent with the financial markets, and the amount of risk that you are taking within your portfolio.

2) Q&A On The 2014 Outlook by Pragmatic Capitalist

My friend Cullen Roche took a stab at answering 10 questions for 2014.

1. Will the economy accelerate to above-trend growth?  No.


2. Will consumer spending improve? Consumer spending is likely to continue stagnating.


3. Will capital expenditures rebound? Corporations are increasingly picking up the slack in the US economy and as has been historically true, as we enter the latter stages of the business cycle, capital expenditures are picking up.


4. Will housing continue to recover? National housing prices have risen too far too fast in many areas of the USA and should see much more modest improvements in the coming years.


5. Will labor force participation rate stabilize?  The improvement in the economy combined with the structural negatives do not leave me entirely optimistic that the labor force participation rate will see material improvement in 2014.


6. Will profit margins contract? The likely risk to profit growth and margins is to the downside.


7. Will core inflation stay below the 2% target? I would expect core inflation to remain low as consumer demand for shelter, autos and other core items remains tepid.


8. Will QE3 end in 2014? QE is likely to taper in increasing increments during 2014, but I do not think the Fed will pull the punch bowl away just yet.


9. Will the market point to the first rate hike in 2016? I am going to go way against the consensus here and argue that the next recession is likely to occur before the next rate hike.


10. Will the secular stagnation theme gain more adherents?  I think the fragile economy combined with the potential for an overly bullish stock market could pose risks to the economy in the coming years.

 3) Gleaning Clues For A Forecast Of Year Ahead via NY Times

 Why do we forecast when the majority of forecasts are always wrong?  Paul Sullivan explores this idea.

"WHY PREDICT? Whatever its value, the one-year prediction, Mr. Ryan said, is ingrained in who we are as people. 'We account for our life in four seasons," he said. 'What did farmers focus on in the summer? What the fall crop was going to be. What did they focus on in the winter? How much rain they were going to get in the spring. We talk and think in temporal terms. The year ahead — it's always reinforced.'

Others find the exercise of one-year predictions a waste of time. 'Nine out of 10 times when I'm asked what will happen next year, I say stocks will tend to perform along the historical average, which is 10 to 12 percent a year,' said John Buckingham, chief investment officer of Afam Capital and editor of the Prudent Speculator newsletter. 'Have I ever been right? No. I don't care what the market will do. I had an expectation of 12 percent at the beginning of the year, and I was wrong. But I'm up 30 some percent in my portfolios and I'll take that.'


He added that revising predictions during the year could
be equally perilous: 'The best time to get out of equities this year was August. We had Syria, the Fed talking about tapering, a government shutdown and September and October are generally bad months. What happened? We were up 4 percent each month.'


But his biggest worry was the predictions he had seen for another 20 percent increase in stock prices. 'I'd rather have a contrarian view,' he said.


Of course, that is still a prediction, even if it goes against the grain.'"

4) Can The Wall Street Bull Continue Charging In 2014? by Adam Shell, USA Today

"Do U.S. stocks have any rocket fuel left in the tank after skyrocketing to their steepest annual price climb in 16 years?


After posting its best return since 1997, the odds of the broad Standard & Poor's 500 stock index delivering an encore performance of similarly epic proportions in 2014 is unlikely.


Yet, while Wall Street isn't expecting gains of 25% to 30% again in 2014, after a 29.6% return for the S&P 500 index in 2013, most stock market predictions lean bullish. More gains (albeit, less sizable ones) and more record highs are likely. There's a long list of positive propellants working in the stock market's favor."

He specifically notes:

  • An improving economy
  • Pickup in corporate spending
  • Increased consumer confidence
  • Still easy Fed
  • The "Great Rotation" into stocks.

5) On The Other Hand Stocks Could Fall By 20% via Wall Street Journal

"U.S. stocks can't go straight up forever. And if the end of QE1 and QE2 taught investors anything, the market could suffer a significant correction this year as the Federal Reserve starts dialing back its stimulus.


That view comes courtesy of Peter Boockvar, managing director and chief market analyst at the Lindsey Group, who on Thursday predicted the S&P 500 could drop 15% to 20% in 2014 and finish the year between 1550 and 1600.


'QE doesn't create a safer world, it is just a temporary high and the danger always comes on the flip side as previously seen,' he says. 'Let's be honest, we are in an investing world that none of us has ever seen before with central banks around the world being aggressive in concert on a scale never seen.'


'These are not normal times where the ordinary analysis of company fundamentals and the economic and earnings outlook are the main drivers.'


'Our drunken friends have had some cheap thrills in 2013, but this stock market growth rests on an unstable foundation of artificial stimulus and cheap money,' writes Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital. 'We are more interested in waking up without a hangover, a wrecked car, or worse. The longer interest rates remain suppressed, the crazier markets will behave when rates rise.'


'QE puts beer goggles on investors by creating a line of sight where everything looks good, but the Fed's current plan is to end it by year end,' he says. 'While the bull case says this is no problem because it only happens coincident with a better economy, the bond market is repricing the cost of capital higher and that will clear out the goggles as our economy is still very leveraged…and highly dependent on free flowing and abnormally cheap money.'"

Regardless of what actually happens in the year ahead – may your year be healthy, safe and happy.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/A3laUhMYe1w/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Dan Loeb’s New Years Greetings For Everyone

In the past, Third Point’s outspoken chief Dan Loeb contained his tongue-in-cheek Bloomberg header “aphorisms” only to personal “relationships” such as Bill Ackman or Bill Ackman. This time around, he has some New Year cheer for everyone!

Some advice Dan: avoid using the NSAnet and NSAphones, and if you see an IRS truck coming, just jump on the G-IV. One way. Putin needs asset managers too.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/JCYzVOk1zm0/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Dan Loeb's New Years Greetings For Everyone

In the past, Third Point’s outspoken chief Dan Loeb contained his tongue-in-cheek Bloomberg header “aphorisms” only to personal “relationships” such as Bill Ackman or Bill Ackman. This time around, he has some New Year cheer for everyone!

Some advice Dan: avoid using the NSAnet and NSAphones, and if you see an IRS truck coming, just jump on the G-IV. One way. Putin needs asset managers too.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/JCYzVOk1zm0/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Bernanke “Swan Song” Fails To Offset Worst Start To Year Since 2008

The weakness in stocks accelerated after Europe's close, was briefly stalled by algo wildness and VWAP buys on Bernanke's completely non-news speech this afternoon, then dropped into the close, but was far outweighed by the moves in commodities. WTI Crude has dropped over 6% in the last 4 days – its biggest such drop in almost 8 months. The last 2 days have seen gold rise at its fastest pace in almost 3 months. Treasuries ended the week practically unchanged with a modest selloff on Bernanke leading to a 2-3bps drop in yield sin 2014 so far. The USD kept soaring on the back of EUR weakness (as the liquidity flows came back out) but JPY was in charge of ferrying stocks once again (until the last few minutes). The Bernanke VIX slam failed to ignite any real momentum and stocks slipped into the close – with the NASDAQ ands SPX red (but Dow green). Of course, POMO restarts next week so shorting will be banned…

AAPL dropped to its 50DMA and pretty much close there today – first time in 2 months…


Stocks dropped again in the early Asian session, recovered in Europe, tumbled on Europe's close, rallied on Bernanke's speech, then tumbled into the close…


And sector performance from the Taper…


VIX remains weak…


Commodities on the week…


With oil's worst few days in almost 8 months…


And the new year in gold…


USD strength from the start of the new year after EUR and US lqiuidty needs settled out…


Notably JPY was the driver post EU Close but AUDJPY ran the show into the close…


With POMO starting agaon next week, we suspect correlations will rise once again – or equity markets have a problem…


Charts: Bloomberg

Bonus Chart: The Dow-Nikkei channel remains…




via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/JRiZn-eJR-U/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Bernanke "Swan Song" Fails To Offset Worst Start To Year Since 2008

The weakness in stocks accelerated after Europe's close, was briefly stalled by algo wildness and VWAP buys on Bernanke's completely non-news speech this afternoon, then dropped into the close, but was far outweighed by the moves in commodities. WTI Crude has dropped over 6% in the last 4 days – its biggest such drop in almost 8 months. The last 2 days have seen gold rise at its fastest pace in almost 3 months. Treasuries ended the week practically unchanged with a modest selloff on Bernanke leading to a 2-3bps drop in yield sin 2014 so far. The USD kept soaring on the back of EUR weakness (as the liquidity flows came back out) but JPY was in charge of ferrying stocks once again (until the last few minutes). The Bernanke VIX slam failed to ignite any real momentum and stocks slipped into the close – with the NASDAQ ands SPX red (but Dow green). Of course, POMO restarts next week so shorting will be banned…

AAPL dropped to its 50DMA and pretty much close there today – first time in 2 months…


Stocks dropped again in the early Asian session, recovered in Europe, tumbled on Europe's close, rallied on Bernanke's speech, then tumbled into the close…


And sector performance from the Taper…


VIX remains weak…


Commodities on the week…


With oil's worst few days in almost 8 months…


And the new year in gold…


USD strength from the start of the new year after EUR and US lqiuidty needs settled out…


Notably JPY was the driver post EU Close but AUDJPY ran the show into the close…


With POMO starting agaon next week, we suspect correlations will rise once again – or equity markets have a problem…


Charts: Bloomberg

Bonus Chart: The Dow-Nikkei channel remains…




via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/JRiZn-eJR-U/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Domestic Vehicle Sales Lowest In 14 Months; Miss By Most In Over 5 Years

Oops. While Phil LeBeau was proudly crowing about how great the auto industry ‘was’ doing, the actual data of how it ‘is’ doing printed with a dismal drop from Novermber’s exuberance. Domestic Sales dropped to their lowest annualized level in 14 months with the biggest miss since Oct 2008! The story was very widespread, as SMRA notes, nearly ever automaker reported lower than expected sales… apart from:




and on the basis of cars sold per employed person… we have peaked…



Nearly every automaker has reported lower-than-expected sales for the month of December relative to our forecast and the consensus. At this time, domestic light vehicle sales are running at a disappointing low 11.3 million annualized pace, which compares with 12.6 million for November.

If taken into context, we can say that the strong selling pace in November pulled sales away from December. In September and October, domestic light vehicle sales fell under 12.0 million due to the impact of the federal government shutdown, slipping to 11.7 million for both months, as it negatively impacted on buying confidence.

In November 2013, sales recovered strongly to 12.6 million, perhaps too strongly to the detriment of December’s sales. Therefore, if we average November and December together, we get 12.0 million, which is a respectable, though not spectacular, selling pace.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/OXOdNemIPtU/story01.htm Tyler Durden

Ship Sent To Rescue Global Warming Researchers Trapped In Antarctic, Gets Trapped In Antarctic

From ironic to ironic-er… the Chinese icebreaker ship that helped rescue the 52 Australian global warming researchers from being trapped in Antarctic ice has found itself stuck in heavy ice. As Reuters reports, The Snow Dragon had ferried the passengers from the stranded Russian ship to an Australian icebreaker late on Thursday. It now had concerns about its own ability to move through heavy ice, the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) said.



Via Chicago Tribune,

It will attempt to maneuver through the ice when tidal conditions are most suitable during the early hours of 4 January 2014,” AMSA said.

The Australian icebreaker carrying the rescued passengers, the Aurora Australis, will remain on standby in open water in the area “as a precautionary measure”, the rescue agency said.


via Zero Hedge http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/CJePer4c5ZE/story01.htm Tyler Durden