Is The Fed Driving You To Drink?

While this morning we were re-assured by the government’s statistics that there is no inflation (or deflation); implicitly enabling the Fed’s extreme monetary policy to continue with no immediate consequence, it would appear there is an oddly synchronized rise in the price of something critical to day-to-day ‘coping’ for many – alcohol prices. Spurious correlation or unintended consequence? Cost-push or demand-pull?


(h/t @Not_Jim_Cramer)

Seems like it might be time for prohibition once again?


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

"Twas The Night Before Taper" – Deutsche's Joe LaVorgna Sees A $10 Billion Taper Shadow Tomorrow

There seem to be two camps at Deutsche Bank these days: one, lead by the observant and somewhat contrarian Jim Reid, who recently asked the all important question about 2014 (“what if there is a recession?”), who accurately observed that something “structurally changed” since the great financial crisis (pretty clear what), and who even dared to suggest that the Fed will never taper, especially with the economy so late in the cycle already. And then there is Joe LaVorgna, best known for having a losing track record to Groundhog Phil. It appears that this morning Joey emerged from his lair deep inside 60 Wall, sniffed the cold air, and saw the shadow of a $10 billion taper, which is what he predicts the Fed will do tomorrow.

LaVorgna’s full winter weather forecast:

The FOMC statement will be released at 2PM EST along with updated real GDP, unemployment, inflation and fed funds forecasts. The Chairman’s press conference will commence shortly thereafter. We are looking for a $10 billion Treasuries only taper—we have been projecting this since the much stronger-than-expected October employment data (reported on November 8), which was subsequently matched by a similarly strong November employment report. Current quarter growth prospects continue to brighten with second half output poised to average over 3%. Moreover, the budget sequester was loosened, as we also had anticipated, so there is little reason for the Fed to delay tapering, in our view. The fact that the 10-year Treasury yield is at nearly the same level as it was right before the September FOMC, while the timing of the initial rate hike was pushed out at least six months from early 2015 to late 2015, tells us that the financial markets are indeed expecting a taper. There is now much less concern on behalf of monetary policymakers that a taper will engender a further tightening in financial market conditions. Indeed, since the September non-taper, equity prices are higher and credit spreads are tighter.


Nonetheless, the Fed will look to blunt any negative reaction to a taper, which will help appease the doves on the FOMC by strengthening the Committee’s forward guidance; tapering is not the same thing as a tightening. The Fed wants to hammer home the message that even after asset purchases are completed, monetary policy will remain extraordinarily accommodative. Fed Nominee Yellen believes this will lower term premium and help anchor longerterm rates. How will the Fed strengthen forward guidance? Words are cheap (at least relative to other measures, such as tinkering with IOER), so we believe the best way to extend guidance is to change the threshold on the unemployment rate—especially since the rate is already at the level Chairman Bernanke had previously targeted for the completion of asset purchases. Note to Fed: If unemployment insurance benefits are not renewed next month, the unemployment rate could promptly fall another three-tenths. Conceivably, the unemployment rate could be 6.5% by the March meeting. Does the Fed really want to continue to have to explain why a 6.5% threshold is not a trigger for tightening and why investors should ignore it? It seems to us that the easiest and most efficient way to strengthen forward guidance is to lower the unemployment rate threshold to 6.0% (or possibly even 5.5%). What about the fact that just “a couple of participants” supported a change in the threshold? The minutes were compiled before William English—the Secretary of the FOMC and the most senior economist at the Board of Governors—presented a paper at the annual IMF meeting in November which said that the optimal unemployment rate for the Fed was 6% or lower.


We do not believe the Fed is going to cut the interest paid on excess reserves for two reasons: One, this will not stimulate lending; and, two, it could cripple the short end, potentially causing major negative consequences. For example, some large money center banks warned they would begin charging depositors. What about the forecasts? The Fed will likely slightly raise its long-term GDP forecasts, trim its near-term unemployment rate forecasts and essentially maintain its inflation forecasts. We doubt the fed funds forecasts will change appreciably, since the economic forecasts should be little changed.

We have reached out to Phil for his take and will update the post when we get a full comment from the groundhog’s spokesman.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

“Twas The Night Before Taper” – Deutsche’s Joe LaVorgna Sees A $10 Billion Taper Shadow Tomorrow

There seem to be two camps at Deutsche Bank these days: one, lead by the observant and somewhat contrarian Jim Reid, who recently asked the all important question about 2014 (“what if there is a recession?”), who accurately observed that something “structurally changed” since the great financial crisis (pretty clear what), and who even dared to suggest that the Fed will never taper, especially with the economy so late in the cycle already. And then there is Joe LaVorgna, best known for having a losing track record to Groundhog Phil. It appears that this morning Joey emerged from his lair deep inside 60 Wall, sniffed the cold air, and saw the shadow of a $10 billion taper, which is what he predicts the Fed will do tomorrow.

LaVorgna’s full winter weather forecast:

The FOMC statement will be released at 2PM EST along with updated real GDP, unemployment, inflation and fed funds forecasts. The Chairman’s press conference will commence shortly thereafter. We are looking for a $10 billion Treasuries only taper—we have been projecting this since the much stronger-than-expected October employment data (reported on November 8), which was subsequently matched by a similarly strong November employment report. Current quarter growth prospects continue to brighten with second half output poised to average over 3%. Moreover, the budget sequester was loosened, as we also had anticipated, so there is little reason for the Fed to delay tapering, in our view. The fact that the 10-year Treasury yield is at nearly the same level as it was right before the September FOMC, while the timing of the initial rate hike was pushed out at least six months from early 2015 to late 2015, tells us that the financial markets are indeed expecting a taper. There is now much less concern on behalf of monetary policymakers that a taper will engender a further tightening in financial market conditions. Indeed, since the September non-taper, equity prices are higher and credit spreads are tighter.


Nonetheless, the Fed will look to blunt any negative reaction to a taper, which will help appease the doves on the FOMC by strengthening the Committee’s forward guidance; tapering is not the same thing as a tightening. The Fed wants to hammer home the message that even after asset purchases are completed, monetary policy will remain extraordinarily accommodative. Fed Nominee Yellen believes this will lower term premium and help anchor longerterm rates. How will the Fed strengthen forward guidance? Words are cheap (at least relative to other measures, such as tinkering with IOER), so we believe the best way to extend guidance is to change the threshold on the unemployment rate—especially since the rate is already at the level Chairman Bernanke had previously targeted for the completion of asset purchases. Note to Fed: If unemployment insurance benefits are not renewed next month, the unemployment rate could promptly fall another three-tenths. Conceivably, the unemployment rate could be 6.5% by the March meeting. Does the Fed really want to continue to have to explain why a 6.5% threshold is not a trigger for tightening and why investors should ignore it? It seems to us that the easiest and most efficient way to strengthen forward guidance is to lower the unemployment rate threshold to 6.0% (or possibly even 5.5%). What about the fact that just “a couple of participants” supported a change in the threshold? The minutes were compiled before William English—the Secretary of the FOMC and the most senior economist at the Board of Governors—presented a paper at the annual IMF meeting in November which said that the optimal unemployment rate for the Fed was 6% or lower.


We do not believe the Fed is going to cut the interest paid on excess reserves for two reasons: One, this will not stimulate lending; and, two, it could cripple the short end, potentially causing major negative consequences. For example, some large money center banks warned they would begin charging depositors. What about the forecasts? The Fed will likely slightly raise its long-term GDP forecasts, trim its near-term unemployment rate forecasts and essentially maintain its inflation forecasts. We doubt the fed funds forecasts will change appreciably, since the economic forecasts should be little changed.

We have reached out to Phil for his take and will update the post when we get a full comment from the groundhog’s spokesman.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Questions about Obamacare? Chat with someone who can help!



[12:28:00 pm]: Thanks for contacting Health Insurance Marketplace Live Chat. Please wait while we connect you to someone who can help.
[12:28:05 pm]: Please be patient while we’re helping other people.
[12:28:39 pm]: Please be patient while we’re helping other people.
[12:28:46 pm]: Welcome! You’re now connected to Health Insurance Marketplace Live Chat.

Thanks for contacting us. My name is Diana. To protect your privacy, please don’t provide any personal information, like Social Security Number, or any other sensitive medical or personal information.
[12:28:58 pm]: Diana
How may I help you?
[12:29:59 pm]: CALLER
It says to not provide any personal information to protect my privacy. Why? Can I not trust you?
[12:30:36 pm]: Diana
thats just how it is. How may I help you?

[12:31:32 pm]: CALLER
I am trying to get a quote for my family. Will the quote be an estimate, or an actual quote?
[12:32:07 pm]: Diana
[12:33:07 pm]: CALLER
Do I have to buy the insurance to know what it actually costs?
[12:33:51 pm]: Diana
no you will have to do an application then it will let you know the prices.
[12:34:26 pm]: CALLER
How long does that take?
[12:35:26 pm]: Diana
if you do an application today over the phone they will be able to let you know the results the same time.
[12:35:54 pm]: CALLER
Can I do an application today online?
[12:36:10 pm]: Diana
[12:36:15 pm]: Diana
Is there anything else that I may help you with?
[12:36:37 pm]: CALLER
How long if I do it online?
[12:36:51 pm]: Diana
the same

[12:37:05 pm]: Diana
Do you have any other questions that I can help you with?
[12:38:22 pm]: CALLER
If I wait until someone in my family gets sick, will I still be able to apply?
[12:38:46 pm]: Diana
You can enroll in a Health Insurance Marketplace plan from October 1, 2013, until the end of open enrollment. Open enrollment closes on March 31, 2014. During open enrollment, you can begin your Marketplace application and start shopping for health insurance plans. Your coverage will not begin until you make your first payment. If you enroll in a Marketplace plan and pay your first premium by December 23, 2013, your coverage will begin January 1, 2014.
[12:39:51 pm]: CALLER
Thanks, but that does not answer my question.
[12:40:23 pm]: Diana

Do you have any other questions that I can help you with?
[12:42:03 pm]: CALLER
Yes. The Blue Advantage Bronze HMO 006 Plan shows a $6,000 per person per year deductible. What is the co-insurance rate?
[12:42:33 pm]: Diana
i cant pull up that information im sorry

[12:43:59 pm]: CALLER
There is no pre-existing condition exclusions anymore, correct?
[12:44:28 pm]: Diana
yes correct
[12:44:36 pm]: Diana
Do you have any other questions that I can help you with?
[12:45:13 pm]: CALLER
So, I should just wait until someone gets sick, then apply, correct? And I cannot be turned down, correct?
[12:45:34 pm]: Diana
[12:45:43 pm]: Diana
thats not what i said
[12:46:16 pm]: Diana
there is a deadline to apply if you dont apply by that time there will be a fee. The fee in 2014 is 1% of your yearly income or $95 per person for the year, whichever is higher. The fee for uninsured children is $47.50 per child. The most a family would have to pay is $285. Amounts go up after 2014.
In 2015, the fee per person rises to $325 per person or $975 per family, or 2% of income, whichever is higher. For 2016, the fee per person will increase to $695 per person or $2,085 per family, or 2.5% of your household’s income, whichever is higher. The fee for children will be half that amount, and there will be an overall cap for family payments. From 2017 on, the fee will rise each year with inflation. You will also have to pay the entire cost of all your medical care if you do not get health insurance.
[12:46:24 pm]: Diana
Is there anything else that I may help you with?
[12:47:34 pm]: CALLER
So, if I pay the fee, then I can wait until someone gets sick to apply, and I cannot be turned down?
[12:52:24 pm]: CALLER
Are you still there?
[12:53:16 pm]: Diana
yes you can do that if you would like but when you decide to enroll there will be a waiting period to apply
[12:53:35 pm]: CALLER
How long is the waiting period?
[12:54:18 pm]: Diana
I don’t know yet you will have to wait until they say that open enrollment then you will be able to apply.


Have an accident?  No Insurance?  No identification?  No problem!


In 1986, Congress enacted the Emergency
Medical Treatment & Labor Act (EMTALA) to ensure public access to
emergency services regardless of ability to pay. Section 1867 of the
Social Security Act imposes specific obligations on
Medicare-participating hospitals that offer emergency services to
provide a medical screening examination (MSE) when a request is made for
examination or treatment for an emergency medical condition (EMC),
including active labor, regardless of an individual’s ability to pay.
Hospitals are then required to provide stabilizing treatment for
patients with EMCs. If a hospital is unable to stabilize a patient
within its capability, or if the patient requests, an appropriate
transfer should be implemented.…


[12:54:51 pm]: Diana
Do you have any other questions that I can help you with?
[12:56:29 pm]: CALLER
We are a very healthy family. We don’t get sick, and are in good condition, medically and physically. Are we entitled to a discount?
[12:57:48 pm]: Diana
you will have to do an application to find out
[12:57:55 pm]: Diana
Do you have any other questions that I can help you with?
[12:59:01 pm]: CALLER
So, the premiums are based on our health? That is good news!

[12:59:21 pm]: Diana
Do you have any other questions that I can help you with?
[1:00:18 pm]: CALLER
How much can the premium go up next year? IS it limited?
[1:01:12 pm]: Diana
I don’t know you will have to wait and see.
[1:02:09 pm]: CALLER
If I like this insurance, will I be able to keep this insurance?
[1:03:05 pm]: Diana
it depends what offered next year.
[1:03:48 pm]: Diana
Do you have any other questions that I can help you with?
[1:04:50 pm]: CALLER
I don’t understand. What if I like my current insurance plan. Can I keep it?
[1:05:41 pm]: Diana
it all depends if its still offered next year.
[1:05:45 pm]: Diana
Do you have any other questions that I can help you with?
[1:06:42 pm]: CALLER
No, my current plan I have had for several years. Can I keep it, or do I need to change to an ACA plan?
[1:07:20 pm]: Diana
you will need to see if they still offered it for next year.
[1:07:26 pm]: Diana
Do you have any other questions that I can help you with?
[1:08:20 pm]: CALLER
Just a moment. You are very helpful, and this is confusing stuff.

[1:10:19 pm]: CALLER
Is there a medical savings account option, so if we don’t use the coverag
e, then some of the money we pay rolls into next year?
[1:11:00 pm]: Diana
you will need to contact the insurance directly to see if they offer that.
[1:11:49 pm]: Diana

Do you have any other questions that I can help you with?
[1:12:14 pm]: CALLER
Is it true that I will have to pay a fine to the IRS if I don’t sign up for 2014, but the big businesses will not?
[1:13:38 pm]: Diana
i sent you the fees sir if you dont sign up.
[1:13:46 pm]: Diana
Do you have any other questions that I can help you with?
[1:15:02 pm]: CALLER
That does not answer my question, but I think that is the case. That is all for now. Merry Christmas!
[1:15:22 pm]: Diana
Thank you for contacting Health Insurance Marketplace Live Chat. We are here to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
[1:15:23 pm]: ‘Diana’ has left the chat session.
[1:15:25 pm]: Your chat session is over. Thanks for contacting us, and we hope we’ve answered your questions. Have a great day.
[1:15:25 pm]: 12/17/2013


via Zero Hedge hedgeless_horseman

Change In US Net Worth – By Age Group

By now it is a well-known fact that the Fed’s monetary policies over the past 5 years (and really ever since Greenspan unleashed the Great Moderation) have been very successful at one thing: transferring wealth from the US (and global) middle class and handing it over to the already wealthiest strata of society, either through financial repression, zero savings rates, or generally boosting financial asset values, which as we showed hit a record $63.9 trillion in Q3, or over 70% of total. However, just like the general public’s attention is focused on the quantitative components of the monthly payroll number and completely ignores the qualitative gains or losses in the US labor force, so the broad definition of “middle class” leaves quite a bit to be desired. So what happens if one quantizes society instead of by class with wealth of income cutoff ranges but instead by age? In that case, one gets the following chart prepared by the Urban Institute showing the change in net worth in the period 1983-2010 by age group.

The discrepancy summarized:

Young adults’ ability to grow their personal assets over the past 30 years has decreased considerably. Average wealth for individuals in their 20s and 30s dropped 7 percent from 1983 to 2010, while those 74 and over have seen wealth increase by 149 percent in the same time period. Figure 7 highlights the substantial changes in net worth by age, showing that Millennials today are financially worse off than their parents were at the same age

It is meaningless to make ethical judgments based on the above chart, however the data does confirm one of the most troubling hurdles before any dreams of a virtuous economic recovery can be realized: because it is the younger age groups that drive household formation, and are responsible for the bulk of organic demand for homes – that so critical, missing variable in what would be a true housing recovery (instead of merely using houses as flippable hot potato assets whereby one investor sells homes to another investor with no intention of occupying, in the process making that entry-level home ever more unaffordable for the average young American).

And a question: in a society increasingly torn by conflicts (some of which as if created on purpose): by social status, by race, by ethnicity, by gender, and so many more, how long until one can add age as an ever growing source of social discontent?


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Meet The New Bundesbank Hawk At The ECB

Following Joerg Asmusen’s somewhat surprisingly short 2-year stay at the ECB, stepping down as board member to become Germany’s secretary of state for labor, the voice of economic reason in Europe has proposed 49-year-old female Sabine Lautenschlaeger to the ECB. Filling Asmussen’s shoes among the ECB’s “whatever it takes” crowd will be hard and while little is known of Lautenschlaeger’s policy perspective, Reuters notes, she has been among those who have warned about potential conflicts of interest when the ECB has responsibility for both monetary policy and banking supervision, and argued against treating government bonds as risk-free assets in bank books.



Sabine Lautenschlaeger

Curriculum Vitae

Born in Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg; married to Thomas Peiter, one daughter

1984 – 1990
Studied law at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University Bonn

First state examination in law; period abroad in Chicago, USA

Second state examination in law

1995 – 1998
Federal Banking Supervisory Office (Bundesaufsichtsamt für das Kreditwesen), Berlin; supervision of major banks

1999 – 2002
Federal Banking Supervisory Office, Berlin; Head of Press and Public Relations

2002 – 2004
Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, BaFin), Bonn; Head of Press and Public Relations/Internal Communication

2005 – 2008
Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), Bonn; Head of the Supervision of Major Banks and Selected Commercial Banks/ Qualitative Supervisory Standards Department

2007 – 2008
Member of the Senior Supervisors Group

2008 – 2011
Member of the Executive Board of the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin), Bonn; Chief Executive Director of Banking Supervision

Since 2008
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), Basel

January – May 2011
Management Board of the European Banking Authority (EBA), London

Since 2011-06-01
Deputy President of the Deutsche Bundesbank

Responsible for the Department of Banking an Financial Supervision, Department of Audit
Person accompanying the president at the ECB Governing Council
Member of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS)
Co-chair of the Core Principles Group (CPG of the BCBS)


Via Reuters,

Germany will propose Sabine Lautenschlaeger, a vice president at the German Bundesbank, to take the board seat at the European Central Bank that is being vacated by Joerg Asmussen, according to two sources familiar with the matter.


Asmussen announced on Sunday that he would be returning to Berlin after just two years on the ECB’s six-member executive board, to become state secretary in the labour ministry.



Little is known about Lautenschlaeger’s views on monetary policy, but she has a solid track record in banking supervision, having worked at German financial supervisor Bafin before joining the Bundesbank in 2011.


She has been among those who have warned about potential conflicts of interest when the ECB has responsibility for both monetary policy and banking supervision, and argued against treating government bonds as risk-free assets in bank books.



In the 15-year history of the ECB, only two women, Finland’s Sirkka Hamalainen and Austria’s Gertrude Tumpel-Gugerell, have served on the board.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

A Quick Guide To What’s Fake: Everything That’s Officially Sanctioned

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

Neofeudal financialization and unproductive State/corporate vested interests have bled the middle class dry, yet we accept the officially sanctioned narratives. Why?

Let's cut to the chase and generalize "what's fake": everything that is officially sanctioned: narratives, policies, statistics, you name it–all fake– massaged, packaged, gamed or manipulated to serve the interests of the ruling Elites.

Anything that might introduce a shadow of skepticism or doubt about the sustainability, fairness and transparency of the status quo (i.e. anything authentic and genuine) is recast or repackaged into a fake that can be substituted for the authentic when everyone's gaze is distracted by the latest fad/media sensation/scandal.

ObamaCare: fake, a simulacrum of insurance and healthcare.

The National Security State: fake, a cover for global Empire.

The Patriot Act: Orwellian cover for state-corporate fascism.

Student loans: parasitic, exploitive loan-sharking enforced by the Central State for often worthless "higher education."

And so on.

Yesterday I explored the peculiar dynamic that motivates us to accept forgeries, fakes and illusions as authentic: What's Real? What's Fake?. If the fake enables our fantasy (of free money, of owning an authentic canvas by a famous artist, that rising wealth inequality is just a side-effect of freewheeling capitalism, etc. etc. etc.), then we wantto believe it so badly that we overlook all the evidence of chicanery, forgery, illusion and fakery.

Consider our willingness to accept the conventional narrative about why the Great American Middle Class has been in decline since 1973: rising energy costs, globalization, and the declining purchasing power of the U.S. dollar.

While these trends have certainly undermined middle-class wealth and income, there are five other more politically combustible dynamics at work:

1. The divergence of State/corporate vested interests and the interests of the middle class
2. The emergence of financialization as the key driver of profits and political power
3. The neofeudal “colonization” of the “home market” by ascendant financial Elites
4. The increasing burden of indirect “taxes” as productive enterprises and people involuntarily subsidize unproductive, parasitic, corrupt, but politically dominant vested interests
5. The emergence of crony capitalism as the lowest-risk, highest-profit business model in the U.S. economy

The non-fake narratives are considerably different from the status quo ones. Please consider two: The Neofeudal Colonization of Home Markets and the Happy Marriage of the Parasitic Central State and Crony Capitalist Cartels.

The Neofeudal Colonization of Home Markets

The use of credit to garner outsized profits and political power is well-established in Neoliberal Capitalism.  In what we might call the Neoliberal Colonial Model (NCM) of financialization, credit-poor developing world economies are suddenly offered unlimited credit at very low or even negative interest rates. It is “an offer that’s too good to refuse” and the resultant explosion of private credit feeds what appears to be a “virtuous cycle” of rampant consumption and rapidly rising assets such as equities, land and housing.

Essential to the appeal of this colonialist model is the broad-based access to credit: everyone and his sister can suddenly afford to speculate in housing, stocks, commodities, etc., and to live a consumption-based lifestyle that was once the exclusive preserve of the upper class and State Elites (in developing nations, this is often the same group of people).

In the 19th century colonialist model, the immensely profitable consumables being marketed by global cartels were sugar (rum), tea, coffee, and tobacco—all highly addictive, and all complementary:   tea goes with sugar, and so on.  (For more, please refer to Sidney Mintz’s landmark study, Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History).

In the Neoliberal Colonial Model, the addictive substance is credit and the speculative consumerist fever it fosters.

In the financialization model, the opportunities to exploit “home markets" were even better than those found abroad, for the simple reason that the U.S. government itself stood ready to guarantee there would be no messy expropriations of capital or repudiation of debt by local authorities who decided to throw off the yokes of credit colonization.

In the U.S. “home market,” the government guaranteed lenders would not lose money, even when they loaned to marginal borrowers who could never qualify for a mortgage under any prudent risk management system.  This was the ultimate purpose of Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and now the FHA, which is currently guaranteeing the next wave of mortgages that are entering default.

In my analysis, the Status Quo of “private profits, public losses” and the incentivization of gargantuan household debt amounts to a modern financialized version of feudalism, in which the middle class now toils as debt-serfs.  Their debt cannot be repudiated (see student loans), their stagnating disposable income is largely devoted to debt service, and their assets have evaporated as the phantom wealth created by serial credit bubbles vanishes as soon as the asset/credit bubble du jour bursts.

The Status Quo: A Happy Marriage of the Parasitic Central State and Crony Capitalist Cartels

In broad brush, financialization enabled the explosive rise of politically dominant cartels (crony capitalism) that reap profits from graft, legalized fraud, embezzlement, collusion, price-fixing, misrepresentation of risk, shadow systems of governance and the use of phantom assets as collateral.  This systemic allocation of resources and the national income to serve their interests also serves the interests of the protected fiefdoms of the State that enable and protect the parasitic sectors of the economy.

The productive, efficient private sectors of the economy are in effect subsidizing the most inefficient, unproductive parts of the economy.  Productivity has been siphoned off to financialized corporate profits, politically powerful cartels, and bloated State fiefdoms.  The current attempts to “restart growth” via the same old financialization tricks of more debt, more leverage and more speculative excess backstopped by a captured Central State are failing.

Neofeudal financialization and unproductive State/corporate vested interests have bled the middle class dry.

Yet we accept the officially sanctioned narratives as authentic and meaningful. Why? Perhaps the truth is simply too painful to accept, so we will reject it until we have no other alternative.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

A Quick Guide To What's Fake: Everything That's Officially Sanctioned

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog,

Neofeudal financialization and unproductive State/corporate vested interests have bled the middle class dry, yet we accept the officially sanctioned narratives. Why?

Let's cut to the chase and generalize "what's fake": everything that is officially sanctioned: narratives, policies, statistics, you name it–all fake– massaged, packaged, gamed or manipulated to serve the interests of the ruling Elites.

Anything that might introduce a shadow of skepticism or doubt about the sustainability, fairness and transparency of the status quo (i.e. anything authentic and genuine) is recast or repackaged into a fake that can be substituted for the authentic when everyone's gaze is distracted by the latest fad/media sensation/scandal.

ObamaCare: fake, a simulacrum of insurance and healthcare.

The National Security State: fake, a cover for global Empire.

The Patriot Act: Orwellian cover for state-corporate fascism.

Student loans: parasitic, exploitive loan-sharking enforced by the Central State for often worthless "higher education."

And so on.

Yesterday I explored the peculiar dynamic that motivates us to accept forgeries, fakes and illusions as authentic: What's Real? What's Fake?. If the fake enables our fantasy (of free money, of owning an authentic canvas by a famous artist, that rising wealth inequality is just a side-effect of freewheeling capitalism, etc. etc. etc.), then we wantto believe it so badly that we overlook all the evidence of chicanery, forgery, illusion and fakery.

Consider our willingness to accept the conventional narrative about why the Great American Middle Class has been in decline since 1973: rising energy costs, globalization, and the declining purchasing power of the U.S. dollar.

While these trends have certainly undermined middle-class wealth and income, there are five other more politically combustible dynamics at work:

1. The divergence of State/corporate vested interests and the interests of the middle class
2. The emergence of financialization as the key driver of profits and political power
3. The neofeudal “colonization” of the “home market” by ascendant financial Elites
4. The increasing burden of indirect “taxes” as productive enterprises and people involuntarily subsidize unproductive, parasitic, corrupt, but politically dominant vested interests
5. The emergence of crony capitalism as the lowest-risk, highest-profit business model in the U.S. economy

The non-fake narratives are considerably different from the status quo ones. Please consider two: The Neofeudal Colonization of Home Markets and the Happy Marriage of the Parasitic Central State and Crony Capitalist Cartels.

The Neofeudal Colonization of Home Markets

The use of credit to garner outsized profits and political power is well-established in Neoliberal Capitalism.  In what we might call the Neoliberal Colonial Model (NCM) of financialization, credit-poor developing world economies are suddenly offered unlimited credit at very low or even negative interest rates. It is “an offer that’s too good to refuse” and the resultant explosion of private credit feeds what appears to be a “virtuous cycle” of rampant consumption and rapidly rising assets such as equities, land and housing.

Essential to the appeal of this colonialist model is the broad-based access to credit: everyone and his sister can suddenly afford to speculate in housing, stocks, commodities, etc., and to live a consumption-based lifestyle that was once the exclusive preserve of the upper class and State Elites (in developing nations, this is often the same group of people).

In the 19th century colonialist model, the immensely profitable consumables being marketed by global cartels were sugar (rum), tea, coffee, and tobacco—all highly addictive, and all complementary:   tea goes with sugar, and so on.  (For more, please refer to Sidney Mintz’s landmark study, Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History).

In the Neoliberal Colonial Model, the addictive substance is credit and the speculative consumerist fever it fosters.

In the financialization model, the opportunities to exploit “home markets" were even better than those found abroad, for the simple reason that the U.S. government itself stood ready to guarantee there would be no messy expropriations of capital or repudiation of debt by local authorities who decided to throw off the yokes of credit colonization.

In the U.S. “home market,” the government guaranteed lenders would not lose money, even when they loaned to marginal borrowers who could never qualify for a mortgage under any prudent risk management system.  This was the ultimate purpose of Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and now the FHA, which is currently guaranteeing the next wave of mortgages that are entering default.

In my analysis, the Status Quo of “private profits, public losses” and the incentivization of gargantuan household debt amounts to a modern financialized version of feudalism, in which the middle class now toils as debt-serfs.  Their debt cannot be repudiated (see student loans), their stagnating disposable income is largely devoted to debt service, and their assets have evaporated as the phantom wealth created by serial credit bubbles vanishes as soon as the asset/credit bubble du jour bursts.

The Status Quo: A Happy Marriage of the Parasitic Central State and Crony Capitalist Cartels

In broad brush, financialization enabled the explosive rise of politically domina
nt cartels (crony capitalism) that reap profits from graft, legalized fraud, embezzlement, collusion, price-fixing, misrepresentation of risk, shadow systems of governance and the use of phantom assets as collateral.  This systemic allocation of resources and the national income to serve their interests also serves the interests of the protected fiefdoms of the State that enable and protect the parasitic sectors of the economy.

The productive, efficient private sectors of the economy are in effect subsidizing the most inefficient, unproductive parts of the economy.  Productivity has been siphoned off to financialized corporate profits, politically powerful cartels, and bloated State fiefdoms.  The current attempts to “restart growth” via the same old financialization tricks of more debt, more leverage and more speculative excess backstopped by a captured Central State are failing.

Neofeudal financialization and unproductive State/corporate vested interests have bled the middle class dry.

Yet we accept the officially sanctioned narratives as authentic and meaningful. Why? Perhaps the truth is simply too painful to accept, so we will reject it until we have no other alternative.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Strong 2 Year Auction Punctuated By Highest Bid To Cover In Over A Year

In last month’s 2 Year bond auction we highlighted that the end of the declining Bids to Cover trend has arrived for good, after the 3.54 BTC priced at the second highest since February. Today’s just concluded 2 Year slammed the door shut on any fears that there may be declining broad bid side demand, after the Bid to Cover of 3.767 printed at nearly the same level as January’s 3.675, but well higher, making it the highest BTC since last November’s 4.07. The market demand at the time of auction confirmed this, with the When Issued trading at 0.352% at 1 PM, only to see the final yield on the $30 billion auction cross at a very strong 0.345%. Finally, the internals were just as strong, with Direct bidders taking down 30.24%, well above the November 27.3% and the TTM average of 23.5%, while Indirects took a slightly softer 21.55%, leaving Dealers with their usual fare of just around half, or 48.21% to be precise. Bottom line: if there was some concern in the recent 3 Year auction, the complete lack of market jitteryness today showed that the market is certainly not worried about any Fed rate hikes until after 2015.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden