Marcia Meikle appointed senior warden at Nativity

Marcia Meikle has been appointed senior warden of Episcopal Church of the Nativity. Meikle succeeds Debbie Macdonald, who served in the post for the past year. The senior warden is the highest ranking lay member in an Episcopal Church parish.

Originally from Jamaica, Meikle has been a member of Nativity since 1994. She has served as senior warden and a vestry member in the past, and is now beginning the final year of a three-year vestry term to which she was elected in 2012. Meikle, a registered nurse, is a case management educator for Tenet Healthcare.

via The Citizen

Lowest Dealer Take Down, Highest Indirects Since August 2011 In Today's 3 Year Auction

While on the surface today’s auction of $30 billion ion 3 Year paper was unremarkable, pricing at 0.715%, through the 0.72% When Issued at 1 pm, and a Bid to Cover to 3.450, which was above last month’s 3.255, and above the TTM average of 3.318, what was perhaps most notable about the auction was the surge in Indirect demand, when the takedown by the investor class soared from 28% in January to 42%, the highest percentage since the month of the last real debt ceiling crisis – August 2011 – when it was 47.9, and was offset by a plunge in the Dealer bid, which was left with just 41.3% of the auction, well below the 52% TTM average, and the lowest also since August 2011. What was so special about today that makes the August 2011 comparison palpable? Perhaps that as we reported a few hours ago, the GOP is about to fold completely on the debt ceiling issue and kick it back to 2015. Aside from that who knows.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Lowest Dealer Take Down, Highest Indirects Since August 2011 In Today’s 3 Year Auction

While on the surface today’s auction of $30 billion ion 3 Year paper was unremarkable, pricing at 0.715%, through the 0.72% When Issued at 1 pm, and a Bid to Cover to 3.450, which was above last month’s 3.255, and above the TTM average of 3.318, what was perhaps most notable about the auction was the surge in Indirect demand, when the takedown by the investor class soared from 28% in January to 42%, the highest percentage since the month of the last real debt ceiling crisis – August 2011 – when it was 47.9, and was offset by a plunge in the Dealer bid, which was left with just 41.3% of the auction, well below the 52% TTM average, and the lowest also since August 2011. What was so special about today that makes the August 2011 comparison palpable? Perhaps that as we reported a few hours ago, the GOP is about to fold completely on the debt ceiling issue and kick it back to 2015. Aside from that who knows.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

Pinestraw & fertilizer sale continues at PTCUMC

The United Methodist Men at Peachtree City United Methodist Church are taking orders for their 35th Annual Fertilizer and Pine Straw Sale.

The UMM Breakfast Sales Kick-off was Saturday, Feb. 1 at the Windgate Campus.

Delivery dates will be the first two Saturdays in March.

Products are priced comparably to big box retailers in the area and the men deliver to individual yards free of charge.

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via The Citizen

Pinestraw & fertilizer sale continues at PTCUMC

The United Methodist Men at Peachtree City United Methodist Church are taking orders for their 35th Annual Fertilizer and Pine Straw Sale.

The UMM Breakfast Sales Kick-off was Saturday, Feb. 1 at the Windgate Campus.

Delivery dates will be the first two Saturdays in March.

Products are priced comparably to big box retailers in the area and the men deliver to individual yards free of charge.

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via The Citizen

Holy Trinity church to host trail run next month

Holy Trinity Catholic Church will host a Trinity Trail Run on March 1.

All 5K and 2K participants will receive a t-shirt and complimentary breakfast of pancakes and tamales.

The top three male/female winners of each age group in the 5K will receive awards.

Proceeds of the race will benefit teens who will work this summer for Catholic Heart Work Camp and Amigos for Christ, two organizations dedicated to the revitalization of communities throughout the United States and Nicaragua.

Registration is $25 until Feb. 16 and $30 from Feb. 16 – March 1.

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via The Citizen

Hopewell UMC women will offer Craft and Coffee event in March

Hopewell Methodist Women invite the community to participate in their upcoming “Craft and Coffee” event to be held Sunday, March 23, from 4:30 – 6 p.m. at the church.

The craft project will be a beautiful wooden bangle bracelet decoupaged with special paper to make it unique.

Each participant will create a one-of-a-kind bangle for personal use or as a gift for someone else.

The cost for supplies and instruction is $10 per person. The group will get to know each other as they work, sip coffee, and enjoy homemade coffee cake.

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via The Citizen

ESL classes meet each Friday

Free ESL (English as a Second Language) classes for adults will meet weekly through May 16 at Carriage Lane Presbyterian Church, PCA, in Peachtree City.

Students can join at any time. Classes are held on Fridays from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Childcare is provided. Carriage Lane is at 101 Carriage Lane just off Ga. Hwy. 54. For more information call 770-631-4618 or look under Outreach at

via The Citizen

Hudson-Clark Engagement

Paul and Jan Hudson of Peachtree City, Ga. are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Rebecca Elaine, to Captain George William Clark V, son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Clark of Chancellor, Ala.

Rebecca is a graduate of McIntosh High School in Peachtree City, Ga. and Auburn University in Auburn, Ala. She is employed at Gwinnett Medical Center in Lawrenceville, Ga.

George is a graduate of McIntosh High School in Peachtree City, Georgia and Auburn University in Auburn, Ala. He is a pilot in the United States Air Force.

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via The Citizen

DiBenedetto-Bryant Engagement

Dr. & Mrs. John DiBenedetto are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Dr. Christina DiBenedetto to Marshall Bryant, son of Terry Wilson and Leland Bryant.

The future bride is a 2003 graduate of McIntosh High School, a 2007 graduate of The University of Georgia with her Bachelor of Agriculture degree and a 2013  graduate of The University of Georgia with her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree.   She is practicing small animal medicine in Newnan, Ga.

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via The Citizen