Administration Enforces Radiosilence On Obamacare Enrollment Numbers

During this morning’s Congressional hearing on the failure of Obamacare, one of the developer’s let slip a little too much truth:



While the self-proclaimed ‘most transparent’ administration fights off the French and the German over spying ‘lies’, and gags insurers from publicizing how many people have signed up for Obamacare, it seems the cover-up goes even further with everyone involved silenced (for now).



The CGI’s statement confirms more evidence of the administration hiding the truth as InForum noted recently:

Feds ask Blue Cross Blue Shield not to release exchange numbers


The Obama administration asked North Dakota’s largest health insurer not to publicize how many people have signed up for health insurance through a new online exchange, a company official says.


During a Monday forum in Fargo for people interested in signing up for coverage via the exchange, James Nichol of Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota told the crowd his company received the request from the federal government earlier Monday. Nichol is a consumer sales manager for the company.


Still, a spokeswoman from Blue Cross Blue Shield says about 14 North Dakotans have signed up for coverage since the federal exchange went live Oct. 1. That brings total statewide enrollment to 20 – less than one a day.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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