Tomorrow’s weekly episode of John Stossel’s eponymous Fox
Business show is all about “The Rise of the Libertarians.”
Matt Welch and I appear on the program to discuss the themes we
outlined in our book
The Declaration of Independents and to talk about all the
recent developments that argue for what we’ve called “the
Libertarian Moment” and even “the
Libertarian Era.”
Other guests include Penn Jillette, members of Students for
Liberty, and former Rep. Ron Paul. Follow the show on Twitter at
the hashtag #TheRise.
Stossel airs on Thursday at 9pm ET. Go here
for more information on the show.
Click above to watch a web-only exclusive preview of the
episode, in which Matt and I discuss whether a libertarian world
would be like Somalia, why libertarians are constantly forced to
answer such questions, and more.
Stossel’s syndicated column appears every Wednesday at
Read the latest here and check out his archive
from Hit & Run