Texas High School Student Tased by School Resource Officer/Sheriff’s Deputy, Now in Medically-Induced Coma

tased by copTasers are meant to be a non-lethal way for
police officers to force targets into compliance, but
more than 500 death
s have been attributed to Tasers since 2001,
largely due to cardiac arrest. At one Texas high school, the use of
a Taser by Randy McMillan, a sheriff’s deputy/school resource
officer, on 17-year-old Noe Niño de Rivera has resulted in the
student being put in a medically induced coma. The family has filed
a lawsuit against McMillan, the school district, and the county,
and alleges Rivera was tased after trying to break up a fight.

Via YNN Austin:

The court document says the teenager began to walk
backwards with his hands up when McMillan shocked him with the

Rivera fell to the ground and hit his head on the floor, causing
permanent injury to his brain. He was airlifted to a nearby
hospital where it was determined he had suffered a severe a brain
hemorrhage and was put into a medically-induced coma.

Last week officials with the Bastrop County Sheriff’s Office said
Rivera was acting aggressive before the Taser was used. They say
the two officers ordered the teen to back off, but he ignored their
commands, according to a county spokesman, prompting McMillan to
use the Taser.

Still, the lawsuit says Rivera “posed no imminent threat of death
or serious injury” to McMillan and the deputy was unlawful in his
use of force.

The court document also says McMillan used a Taser on another
student one year ago, and says the school district and the county
sheriff’s office failed to discipline him correctly.

The family is seeking a jury trial. About a hundred students
walked out of class last week to protest Rivera’s tasing. KVUE

the family’s attorney claims to have cellphone video
corroborating the family’s story, but did not share it with the TV
station. The KVUE story also includes one parent voicing support
for McMillan. “I find it hard to believe that an officer of that
standing would ever do anything that he didn’t have to actually do.
If you’re not there you really can’t judge,” she said.

McMillan has been moved from the school to patrol duty for the
time being.

from Hit & Run http://reason.com/blog/2013/11/26/texas-high-school-student-tased-by-schoo

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