Watch Nick Gillespie on Stossel, Talking "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" in 2013!

I’m on a special episode of John Stossel’s eponymous Fox
Business show tonight. Along with the Cato Institute’s David Boaz
and Independent Women’s Forum Sabrina Schaeffer, I’ll be discussing
“The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” of 2013’s political and cultural

The show airs tonight at 9pm ET and will run again on Fox News
on Sunday at 10pm ET. Follow on Twitter at the hashtag #goodbadugly
and tag @FBNStossel. For more details,
go here now

Here’s a web exclusive from the show, where we all talk about
the role of the media as cheerleaders for Obamacare. Take a

from Hit & Run

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