NFL Cornerback Chris Carr Talks About Ron Paul, Reason, and the Underappreciated Tolerance of NFL Locker Rooms

is a 30-year-old well-traveled NFL cornerback and kick
returner whose career ended in December with the New Orleans
Saints. He’s also a loyal subscriber to Reason, and we had
him on The
Wednesday night to talk about his political
evolution, tolerance in the locker room (his answer may surprise),
and his prediction for Super Bowl Sunday. Check it out:

Follow him on Twitter @triplcarr. And stay tuned
tonight for a full episode devoted to the Super Bowl, including
crazy superstitions, marijuana agitprop,
hangover cures
, a conversation with actress Katie Aselton of the
hilarious football fantasy show
The League
, and brutal guac-off between myself and that
earrings lady. Tonight at 9 ET!

from Hit & Run

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