Teh Internet is Full of Cool Things: Author! Author! Edition

Hit and Run habitue and recidivist commenter
Alan Vanneman has a book out that sounds pretty interesting to this
old literature grad student (I even bought the Kindle edition
earlier today). Here’s the Amazon description: 

Author! Author! contains two short stories and a novella, with
famous authors as the leading characters. In “The Transfiguration
of W. H. Auden,” the great poet dies and goes, not to heaven, but
someplace better. Victorian England! In “The Man Who Met Joyce
Carol Oates,” an admirer discovers that encountering genius is not
without peril. In “The Apotheosis of John Updike,” the poet of
suburbia encounters catharses without number west of the

More here.

Vanneman’s blog, which includes links to his excellent film
essays at Bright Lights, is

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1fSNdqI

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