The GOP Leviathan on the Border

Republican House Speaker John Boehner pulled the plug on his
immigration reform plan after his fellow Republicans gave it a cold
reception. Raising an issue on which the party is so hopelessly
divided would kill its chances of the winning the Senate in
November. That is probably correct, but the bigger issue is why is
immigration such a divisive issue for Republicans? One reason is
that the anti-immigrant animus of rabble-rousers like Ann

No sooner did Boehner release his reform “principles” than she
went on the attack bandying surveys showing that immigrants will
“wreck the country” with their Big Government-loving ways. “It’s
not their [Republicans’] position on amnesty that immigrants don’t
like,” she harrumphed. “It’s Republicans’ support for small
government, gun rights, patriotism, the Constitution and

“But if Republicans love liberty and small government,” I note
in the Washington Examiner, they sure have a weird way of
showing it.

In fact, there are at least four ways in which their immigration
reform plans will expand the leviathan state and warm Thomas Hobbes

to find out what they are.

from Hit & Run

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