British Jihadi Believed to Have Carried Out Suicide Attack in Syria

British officials believe that a British man
linked to the rebel jihadi group Jabhat al-Nusra may have
carried out a suicide bombing in the northern Syrian city of
Aleppo. If the identity of the suicide bomber is confirmed it will
be the first known suicide bombing carried out by a Briton in the
Syrian Civil War.

The man, identified by Jabhat al-Nusra as Abu Suleiman
al-Britani, reportedly drove a truck full of explosives into a
prison wall.

From the BBC:

The al-Nusra Front said Abu Suleiman al-Britani had driven a
truck full of explosives at the walls of Aleppo prison on Thursday
and detonated it.

The bombing was reportedly part of an attempted jailbreak by
fighters from the hardline Islamist groups, Ahrar-al-Sham and the
al-Nusra Front.

Heavy fighting broke out between the rebels and Syrian forces,
causing dozens of casualties on both sides.

Activists said as many as 300 inmates managed to escape, but the
Syrian government denied the report.

According to reporting from
The Telegraph
, after a senior research fellow at the
International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation at Kings
College in London reached out to Britons in Syria to confirm the
reports he received the following text:

Lol, yes, news travels fast. The first British brother!

The Telegraph goes on to note that Charles Lister, a
terrorism adviser at the Brookings Center in Doha, Qatar is “99 per
cent” certain that al-Britani was killed in the suicide attack on
the Aleppo prison.

Last December, I wrote about a
Sky News
report on a British jihadi group fighting in
Syria. Members of the group claim that hundreds of British
jihadis are fighting in Syria. Recently, a video emerged of a
British extremist
torturing a moderate rebel
 in Syria. 

This week, the latest round of peace talks between
representatives from the Syrian government and some of Assad’s
opposition began. According to Lakhdar Brahimi, the United Nations
envoy, little
is being made at the talks. 

More from on Syria here

from Hit & Run

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