Hey Aspiring Fiction Writers! Your Short Story Could Win Publication and a Prize!

TypingGot an itch to write but don’t
know how to start? Never fear—Libertarian Fiction
and Students
for Liberty
have teamed up to sponsor a
short story contest
with cash (yes, cold, hard, wet lucre) and publication
as the prizes. Stories can span the universe, tickly the funny
bone, or focus on a few characters and serious situations.
Fifty-page philosophical monologues at your own risk.

What are LFA and SFL looking for in these stories, you ask? And
well you should ask.

Write a short story that illustrates the positive role of
freedom in human life. 

Whether it’s a galaxy-spanning space epic or an introspective
contemporary character piece, we want to see stories that paint the
benefits and possibilities of human freedom in sharply compelling

The deadline for Submissions is March 4, 2014. Stories should be
1,000 words to 10,000 word. Winning entries will be announced on
March 19th.

The top prize is $300, free supporting membership for a year in
LFA, and publication in SFL’s Ama-Gi
, and an anthology.

Find out more

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1lvR92N

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