Top NFL Prospect Michael Sam Says He’s Gay

Michael Sam, a defensive
lineman at the University of Missouri and top N.F.L.
 prospect, has just become a household name. While he has been
known in the college sports world as an outstanding athlete, his
new notoriety comes not solely because of his football talent but
because he publically announced on Sunday that he is gay. Though
Americans have become increasingly tolerant and supportive of
homosexuality, many people can’t help but wonder whether Sam has
damaged his career prospects by coming out in advance of the NFL

However, the Reason-Rupe poll
that instead Americans don’t really care if their
favorite athlete is gay. Seventy-seven percent of Americans say it
wouldn’t make a difference and another 10 percent say they would be
even more likely to support their favorite athlete. Only 12 percent
say they would be less likely to support a favored sports player
who came out as gay.

The National Football League has
released a statement
that echoes the feelings of most
Americans: “We admire Michael Sam’s honesty and courage. Michael is
a football player. Any player with ability and determination can
succeed in the N.F.L. We look forward to welcoming and supporting
Michael Sam in 2014.” But it remains to be seen whether Sam’s
announcement will have any impact come draft time. Jason Collins, a
former NBA player, announced that he way gay after the last season
ended. Now a free-agent, he has yet to be signed by another team,
although NBA commission Adam Silver
this isn’t related to his sexual orientation.

But for now, Michael Sam is feeling good. The New York Times

that for Sam, “coming out to his team was a positive
step, on a path that seems as if it will lead to the N.F.L.” The
Reason-Rupe telephone poll of 1,003 Americans
that 25 percent think having an openly gay professional
athlete would be a positive development for society while most, 57
percent, say it wouldn’t make much of an impact either way.

Full details on the Reason-Rupe poll can be found

from Hit & Run

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