Tonight on The Independents: FreedomWorks and Rand Paul Sue Over Surveillance, Obamacare Exemptions Continue, Canada Does Debt Reduction, CEO Patrick Byrne Talks Bitcoin, Judge Napolitano vs. Drone Strikes, Stolen Bull Semen, and Mo

Watch The
! It’s coming at you on the Fox Business
Network at 9 p.m. ET, with a midnight repeat. You should tune in!
Matt Welch is still out to sea, so tonight’s episode will once
again feature yours truly sitting in the middle chair, along with
super-host Kennedy and super-co-host Kmele.

Tonight’s episode will kick off with FreedomWork CEO Matt Kibbe talking about his
organization’s participation (along with Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul)
in the newly announced lawsuit against the National Surveillance
Agency’s mass surveillance operations. Panelists Ben Domenech of
The Transom and the
Heartland Institute and all-around awesome historian Thad Russell will join
the show to talk about how the law splits political coalitions and
what it might mean for 2016. They’ll stay on board to discuss the
latest Obamacare delay and America’s sagging press freedom

The second segment will feature Fox Business host John Stossel
previewing his next show and discussing Canada’s blessedly boring

Later in the show we’ll talk to
Judge Andrew Napolitano
about the president’s assertion of
power to launch drone strikes against American citizens.

Patrick Byrne,
the freedom-loving CEO of
will be on to talk about his company’s move to become the first
major retailer to accept Bitcoin. 

Other topics on tap include the science behind friends with
benefits, sexy name changes, and stolen bull semen. You want to

from Hit & Run

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