Ron Paul Launches Snowden Clemency Petition

Today, it
was reported
that former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) launched a
calling for NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden to be
granted clemency.

On the page on the Ron Paul Channel’s website where visitors can
sign the petition, the former congressman says,

Edward Snowden sacrificed his livelihood, citizenship, and
freedom by exposing the disturbing scope of the NSA’s worldwide
spying program. Thanks to one man’s courageous actions, Americans
know about the truly egregious ways their government is spying on

The news of Paul’s petition comes on the same day
it was reported
that the European Parliament had voted against
calling for  Snowden to be granted asylum.

The New York Times and The Guardian
urged U.S. officials to grant Snowden clemency last

According to the Ron Paul Channel, Snowden’s temporary asylum in
Russia will expire at the end of July.

Yesterday, Intelligence Squared hosted a debate on the motion
“Snowden was Justified.” Speaking for the motion were legal adviser
to Edward Snowden and ACLU attorney Ben Wizner and Pentagon Papers
whistle-blower Daniel Ellsberg. Speaking against the motion were
former CIA Director James Woolsey and former federal prosecutor and
contributing editor to National Review Andrew

Wizner said Snowden was justified “because he provided to
journalists and through them to us information that we had a right
to know and that we had a need to know. The government had not just
concealed this information, it had lied to us about it.”

Woolsey claimed that Snowden had released information to
“Hezbollah, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Pyongyang, Tehran, and so on.”
Thankfully, Ellsberg pointed out that Snowden released information
to journalists who have since reported on the documents.

Before the debate began 29 percent were for the motion, 29
percent were against the motion, and 43 percent were undecided.
After the debate, 54 percent were for the motion, 35 percent were
against the motion, and 11 percent were undecided.

Watch the debate below:


from Hit & Run

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