Win a Free Copy of The United States of Paranoia

Kirby Ferguson, director of the excellent Web series Everything
is a Remix
, has launched a new serialized documentary
called This is
Not a Conspiracy Theory
. You’ll have to subscribe if you want
to watch the whole thing as it appears, but the first installment
has been posted online for all to see:

Ferguson is now doing a promotion that involves giving away
three copies of my book
The United States of Paranoia
. You can watch this video
for the details—the part about the contest starts at 2:46—but the
short version is that he’s going to be posting a Q&A soon, and
if he picks one of your questions to answer you might win. So if
you’ve got a query for Kirby, send it to
with a note that you’d like to be entered in the giveaway too;
there may be a book in it for you. And either way, check out
episode one of the series, which looks like it’s going to be very
well-done. The contest ends on March 1.

from Hit & Run

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