This is why I am so optimistic about the future

Blacksmith2013 150x150 This is why I am so optimistic about the future

February 14, 2014
Buenos Aires, Argentina

It’s clear that in today’s world, young people are constantly getting the shaft. Everyone is, really. But in many ways, young people have it the worst.

Youth unemployment rates in ‘rich’ countries are shocking. Abysmal. Young people are the last to be hired and the first to be fired.

It’s young people who will inherit the mountains of debt that their governments have accumulated. And if they’re lucky enough to even find work, young people will spend their entire lives paying progressively higher taxes so that the politicians can make the interest payments.

They’ll also spend their lives supporting reverse demographic pyramids in pension systems around the world. But decades from now when it’s their turn to collect, those pension programs will have run dry.

It’s young people who are expected to go fight, and die if necessary, every time bloodthirsty politicians decide to go to war to protect the bankers’ interests.

It’s an unfortunate position to be in these days: more costs, fewer benefits, and almost no opportunities. The old tried and true method for success– study hard, get a good job, work your way up the ladder– simply no longer applies.

That’s why it’s more important than ever for young people to break free from this system and set their own path. And to do that, it’s imperative to be armed with valuable skills and a network of like-minded colleagues.

Long-time readers know that I sponsor and host an intensive workshop every summer in Lithuania for aspiring young entrepreneurs and freedom-seekers. And this is precisely our aim– to provide young people with valuable skills and a strong network of like-minded people from around the world.

To do this, I bring in some of the most talented and successful entrepreneurs I know. And together, the instructors imbue some of the most valuable business skills we’ve all accumulated through years of making mistakes and grinding it out in the world.

It’s the sort of stuff they just don’t teach in university or business school.

Not to mention, the network has become something truly extraordinary. Each summer we generally have upwards of 30 countries represented, places like the Philippines, Zimbabwe, Colombia, Bulgaria, and more.

For the students, this means forging strong relationships with people from all over the world. This alone is tremendously valuable.

It’s ironic that we’re discussing this today as I have just landed in Argentina– easily one of the most economically distressed places on the planet. As I’ll describe more on Monday, this country is a clear sign of things to come in the developed West.

But despite the overwhelming economic hazards created by politicians and central bankers, I remain unabashedly optimistic about the future. And it is these camps– the opportunity to spend time with so many brilliant young people– that renews my optimism each year.

This liberty and entrepreneurship camp is free to attend. Our charitable organization foots the bill for the whole thing. Students are only expected to get themselves there, and we even occasionally award travel scholarships.

There is a very competitive application process, though. Each year, the initial interest is often in the thousands. Yet we are only able to select about 60 students.

But if you are a motivated young person, or know someone who fits the description, I’d encourage you to check out this page. Learn more about what we do, and sign up to receive instructions on how to apply.


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