Tonight on The Independents: Ukraine, Venezuela, North Korea, NSA, Minimum Wage, Judge Napolitano, John Bolton, Michael Moynihan…Plus Your Live Phone Calls in the After-Show!

The world’s on fire
, so The
tonight (9 pm ET, 6 pm PT, repeats three
hours later) will be talking about the world. Panelists Michael C. Moynihan of The
Daily Beast
(Reason archive
) and Scottie
Nell Hughes
of the Tea Party
News Network
will talk about the
latest clashes
between the opposition and the government in
Venezuela. Also
scheduled to be on the show on the ground from bloody,
clash-wrecked Kiev is reporter Alexander Kleimenov. Former United
Nations ambassador John Bolton will chime in to discuss the Iranian
nukes deal and the
latest horrifying reports
to come out of North Korea.

Tired of the world? How about Fox News
Senior Judicial Analyst
Andrew Napolitano talking about how Director of
National Intelligence James Clapper is a
big fat liar
? Or the federal minimum wage, an increase of which
the Congressional Budget Office predicts will
reduce the net number of jobs
? Or perhaps you want to hear
Kmele Foster talk about why it’s okay for Kansas to
legalize business-place discrimination against gays

There will still be time to discuss naked dating, Edward Snowden
action figures, Jones Act salt barges, and more. BUT MOST EXCITING
is that the sexy online-only after show, streamed on the show
at 10 pm, will include YOUR PHONE CALLS. The phone
number, which you really need to not call until then, is 1-877-249-9626. And as always, send your
tweets at #indFBN,
and some can and will be used against you.

from Hit & Run

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