It Begins: Ukraine Army Given Power To Use Weapons On Civilians – Live Feed

Just as we warned earlier, the stealing of the weapons cache and labeling of the break-away region as having undertaken "terrorist acts" has led to the military getting involved:


Under the "anti-terrorist" operation, Ukraine is a close to civil war as it has been so far. As Martin Armstrong concludes: "there is no peaceful resolution" no matter how many sanctions and condemnations the West makes.


Live Feed:


Below is the Google-translated Government Statement which was posted on the Ministry of Defense website moments ago:

In connection with the decision to commence in Ukraine antiterrorist operation Ministry of Defense of Ukraine official statement:


According to Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On combating terrorism" Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, bodies of military management, formations and units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to protect against terrorist attacks facilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, firearms, ammunition, explosives and poisonous substances that are in the army or stored in designated areas.


Under section 15 of the Act, in the area of ??counter-terrorist operations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have the right to:


use in accordance with the laws of Ukraine weapons and special means;

– apprehend and deliver to the internal affairs of persons who commit or committing an offense or other action;

– check of the citizens and officials of documents , identification, and in the absence of documents – to detain them for identification;

– to carry out in the area of counter-terrorism operation personal care nationals review things that are in them, vehicles and things that they carried;

Provisionally restrict or prohibit the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on streets and roads.


Measures provided for in this Article shall comply with the applicable law and terminate immediately after the anti-terrorist operation.


Coordination of activities of entities involved in the fight against terrorism has antiterrorist center of the Security Service of Ukraine.Those involved in the fight against terrorism, are under state protection.


Disobedience or resistance to lawful demands of military officials who take part in anti-terrorist operations, incur liability as provided by law.


The main purpose of the anti-terrorist operation – stop extremism and illegal actions of radical groups that threaten the lives of millions of Ukrainian, to protect civilians, prevent civil war in Ukraine.

And as a reminder from Martin Armstrong – There Is No Peaceful Resolution

Russia wants to portray this as a coup organized by the USA, Europe wants to portray this as Ukraine wanted them, and the USA media spins this as US against RUSSIA.

This began as a movement against CORRUPTION and not a Europe v Russia confrontation. The more it has played out, then this has also developed into a fight for freedom. The Russian side of Ukraine is the East and south and they speak Russian. The West speak Ukrainian so there are even two languages spoken.

The Russian side has very strong RIGHT WING elements and they are anti-gay and want 7 years in prison for a girl who gets an abortion. So there is now a religious fever being thrown into the fire.

BY ABSOLUTELY NO MEANS did this begin merely over the refusal to join Europe. The corruption in Ukraine is massive. Much of the bureaucracy is buried still in communism with no rational explanation. Under communism, the state-owned everything. Therefore, your “papers” were a form of domestic passport not good for international travel. Inside that passport you had to have your PERMANENT address assigned to you by government since you were not allowed to move. To this day, although communism collapsed and you can move, your passport must still have your “official” address. If you want to move, it will take months to get a new passport and you have to pay a bribe to get it expedited that may still be 2 months. The law forced you to return to change any document. You cannot do anything on-line.

The bureaucracy has never been reformed. There is no law saying you need an address anymore, yet nobody can change anything because it is as if there is nobody really in charge. It is a chaotic mess. The police were extorting people like the Mafia, so this began as all other protests – against corruption. Simple as that. The mainstream media is playing to the propaganda on both sides.

It appears that civil war will erupt for the younger generation want their freedom. Russia will not allow that to happen for this is a strategic former possession that was once part of Russia and Kiev was the former capital of Russia  before Moscow. This is likely to fester and grow. There is no peaceful resolution.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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