Hacker Invoices Justice Department for Time in Prison, Refuses to Accept U.S. Dollars

Thus I was taken from Arkansas, the nicest place I ever lived, and brought to Newark, New Jersey, a place worse than any of the many third world countries I have visited. I was held under bail conditions where the government refused to allow me to work in my industry, told me where I could live (I was not allowed to return to my birthplace of Arkansas where I lived at no expense, and instead forced to pay rent in New Jersey), and was subject to the indignity and expense of regular mandatory travel to the Newark courthouse to urinate in front of a federal employee. I was told where I could travel, and where and how I could sleep. My time and life was completely monopolized by the federal government during this period, again based off false statements from a lying piece of shit in the federal government…

My current market-determined hourly rate is 1 Bitcoin an hour. I was taken from my childhood home at gunpoint on January 18th, 2011, and I was not allowed to freely exercise my liberties as a citizen until April 11th, 2014. That’s 1179 days that you used my time that I am now billing you for (I gave you a discount by not including the last day). I am owed 28,296 Bitcoins. I do not accept United States dollars, as it is the preferred currency of criminal organizations such as the FBI, DOJ, ATF, and Federal Reserve and I do not assist criminal racketeering enterprises.

– Andrew “Weev” Auernheimer in his “Open letter to members of the New Jersey District Court, FBI, and DOJ consisting of an invoice for services rendered.”  

I first brought the controversial hacker and troll “Weev” to your attention in my post: Hacker “Weev” is Released from Prison, Starts Hedge Fund Called TRO LLC, Appears on CNBC. I strongly suggest checking that post out before reading on.

Ever since being released from prison, Weev has seemingly and wisely turned his trolling skills on those aspects of U.S. society that are the most corrupt and cancerous. Namely Wall Street and the Federal Government. His latest action consists of a scathing letter to members of the “justice system” that imprisoned him, and some excerpts from the letter represent moments of sheer trolling genius.

Not only does he invoice the government for $13.2 million, but he refuses to accept U.S. dollars (more accurately Federal Reserve Notes, but whatever), and instead asks for payment in 28,296 Bitcoins. Simply epic. The full letter can be read below:

I just emailed this to the federal government and bcc’d 200 or so people:

Subject: “An open letter to members of the New Jersey District Court, FBI, and DOJ consisting of an invoice for services rendered.”

To the Honorable Susan D. Wigenton, US Attorney Paul J. Fishman, Assistant US Attorney Zach Intrater, and FBI Special Agent Christian Schorle,

“Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them?” -Shakespeare

It has long been one of the fundamental pillars of our system of law that when one commits a crime against another, they are made to give restitution to their victims.

I have, over the course of 3 years, been made the victim of a criminal conspiracy by those in the federal government. This was a conspiracy of sedition and treason, perpetrated with violence by a limited number of federal agents to deprive me of my constitutional rights to a fair trial and unlawfully put me in prison. This is not a hallucination on my part. These claims were in fact verified by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals when they vacated the false judgement against me imposed by the court of Judge Susan D. Wigenton. Perhaps you haven’t read the opinion of the appeals court exposing all of you as liars and seditionists yet. If so, here you go: http://ift.tt/TqT28L

On January 18th, 2011 I was kidnapped at gunpoint by the US Marshals from Fayetteville, Arkansas, the town where I was born, based off a criminal complaint based on complete falsehoods written by FBI Special Agent Christian Schorle. The complaint alleged I had broken into AT&T’s servers (I hadn’t, as confirmed by the appeals court which verified no evidence was presented that any of my accesses bypassed security restrictions) and that New Jersey was the jurisdiction because AT&T was headquartered there. In actuality, AT&T was headquartered at the time in Houston, Texas. This sort of blatant falsehood is verifiable by a simple Google search.

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from A Lightning War for Liberty http://ift.tt/TqT2p3

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