Tonight on The Independents: Who Didn’t Lose Iraq? John Bolton, Michael Moynihan, Gavin McInnes Debate. Plus Dr. Keith Ablow vs. Slender Man, and Meet Lucas Overby, Your Next Libertarian Congressman!

Someone forgot to listen to Bill Kristol. |||As the world continues to burn, tonight’s
episode of The
(Fox Business Network, 9 p.m. ET, 6 p.m. PT)
deploys an all-star Party Panel to explicate the fire: Reason
Contributing Editor
Michael C. Moynihan and
columnist Gavin
. The Brooklyn duo will talk about the latest awful news
from Iraq, including President Barack Obama’s announcement this
afternoon that he will be sending 275 new combat troops into the
wrecked country to help defend the U.S. embassy in Baghdad.
Speaking of endless tours of duty, former U.S. ambassador to the
United Nations
John Bolton
will help answer the question of just
who got this war so horribly, horribly wrong

Moynihan/McInnes will also discuss those
suspiciously missing Lois Lerner IRS emails
, plus why Americans
(say they)
hate atheists
, and whether the new study did indeed prove that
being cool in high school is
bad for you

Have you heard of Lucas Overby? He’s the
27-year-old Libertarian Party candidate for Florida’s District 13
congressional seat who is currently pulling a whopping
31 percent
(and climbing) at the polls in his race to defeat
incumbent Republican David Jolly.

Have you heard about the Internet apparition known as Slender
Man, who is probably trying to make your teens
murder people on the social media
and whatnot? Fox News
psychiatrist Keith
will explain why he wants the Surgeon General to put a
warning up on Facebook about the whole thing.

Sexy aftershow begins on
a few beats after 10. Follow The Independents on Facebook
follow on Twitter @ independentsFBN, tweet
during the show & we’ll use the best of ’em. Click on this page
for more video of past segments.

from Hit & Run

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