P.M. Links: Pope Keeps Dopey Anti-Dope Stance, Paul Ryan Doesn’t Believe IRS Just ‘Lost’ Lerner Emails

  • Jeremy MeeksPope Francis
    his total opposition to drug legalization, or
    even decriminalization of marijuana. “Drug addiction is an evil,
    and with evil there can be no yielding or compromise,” he
  • IRS Commissioner John Koskinen
    before a House committee that the loss of
    emails belonging to embattled tax collector Lois Lerner was purely
    accidental, owing to a computer crash. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Ohio)
    said, “I don’t believe it.”
  • Some 400 drones have
    fallen from the sky
    and crashed into buildings and homes
    since 2001, according to a year-long investigation by The
    Washington Post.
  • Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)
    former Vice President Dick Cheney for
    his continued support of the Iraq War. In a forthcoming Meet
    the Press
    interview, Paul criticizes the arguments of pro-war
    Republicans and says the American people are right to question
    their assertions.
  • The Internet is
    buzzing about
    Jeremy Meeks, a recently re-arrested felon
    whose good looks have made his mugshot extremely popular on
    Facebook and social media.

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1lTxpng

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