Mississippi Senate Race Gets Even Zanier, Common Core Testing Scares Off States, House of Cards Can’t Film Inside the U.N.: A.M. Links

  • House of CardsA routine conference call
    between Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran’s campaign and the press

    “descended into madness”
    after being hijacked by activists
    supporting Cochran’s opponent, Chris McDaniel. Just before the
    call, conservative blogger Charles C. Johnson had tweeted out
    details of the call asking his followers to “crash it with me.”
    They contend that Cochran is guilty of fraud, though the
    accusations seem scurrilous so far.
  • States are
    backing out left and right
    from Common Core standardized
    testing requirements. The high cost and dubious purpose of the
    tests has united everyone from conservative think tanks to teachers
    unions against them. “The federal government has a lot of blame
    here,” American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten
    told POLITICO.
  • The United Nations Security Council
    turned down
    a request from Netflix’s House of
     to film its upcoming third season inside the U.N.
    chambers. Russia apparently said no.
  • Dinesh D’Souza and Bill Ayers
    whether the United States is a fundamentally good
    nation on Fox News’ The Kelly File.
  • Better Call Saul, AMC’s spin-off of critically and
    commercially beloved Breaking Bad,
    will serve
    as a prequel, interlude, and sequel to the original
    TV series.

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1pZuAW0

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