Shikha Dalmia on the Looming Obamacare War

Obamacare.JusticeEveryone is watching the Supreme Court to see
whether it will accept the petition challenging the federal
subsidies in the 36 states that refused to set up an exchange,
forcing Uncle Sam to do so. But, notes Reason Foundation Senior
Analyst Shikha Dalmia, regardless of whether this petition wins or
loses, a postponed tsunami of discontent awaits ObamaCare, just
around the time the president exits office.

That’s because the administration postponed implementation of
the more painful aspects of the program till after the president is
safely out of office—partly through the original law and partly by
altering the law through executive fiat.

So the Obamacare wars are going to continue for a while,
throwing into doubt the future of President Obama’s signature
initiative. This is the inevitable result of passing the law with
zero Republican support.

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