Tonight on The Independents: The Lawyer for Shaneen Allen, the Writer of That NYT Mag Piece, the Mom Who Claims Cannabis Saved Her Kid, Plus Iraq War, St. Louis Riots, Tony Stewart, Robin Williams, and After-Show

You can't unsee. ||| Gawker, just killin' itSometimes there’s just too much news, like
tonight, when Robin
Williams is dead
of an apparent suicide, Iraq is disintegrating
(and the U.S. is
) by the minute,
St. Louis stands at a knife’s edge
, and racing fans grapple
with the possibility that an angry driver’s deliberate actions took
angry driver’s life
. You’ll be thankful by the time Topical
Storm rolls around, is all I’m gonna say.

Tonight’s live episode of The
(Fox Business Network, 9 p.m. ET, 6 p.m. PT,
with re-airs three hours later) begins with an in-depth examination
of the horror-show in Iraq, with Party Panelists  K.T.
(former Reagan-administration deputy defense
secretary) and Richard
(former Mitt Romney foreign policy advisor). Robert Draper, author of
that recent New York Times Magazine
on libertarianism, will come on to talk about the
interesting reaction that
piece has generated. Then Evan Nappen, lawyer of the
single mom facing 11+ years in prison
for carrying a legally
registered gun into a state where such activity is profoundly
illegal, comes on next.

After the Topical Storm reprieve is some discussion about Tony
Stewart and Robin Williams, and then Rachael Garner, mother of a
toddler who she says
had his life saved by cannabis
, will describe her experiences.
The show will end with Kmele Foster breaking down the
mess in St. Louis

The online-only aftershow begins at
just after 10.  will do what the online-aftershow does. Follow
The Independents on Facebook at,
follow on Twitter @ independentsFBN, and
click on this page
for more video of past segments.

from Hit & Run

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