Is Obamacare Enrollment Dropping?

The Obama administration
stopped releasing monthly enrollment reports for Obamacare in May,
and won’t say if or when those reports will start up again. So
what’s happening during this interim between sign-up periods?
Enrollment numbers are falling, according to one insurer,
Jed Graham of Investor’s Business Daily:

ObamaCare exchange statistics should clear up any doubt as to
why the Obama Administration has been tight-lipped about enrollment
since celebrating 8 million sign-ups in mid-April.

Reality, evidence suggests, could require quite a come-down from
those lofty claims.

The nation’s third-largest health insurer had 720,000 people
sign up for exchange coverage as of May 20, a spokesman confirmed
to IBD. At the end of June, it had fewer than 600,000 paying
customers. Aetna expects that to fall to “just over 500,000” by the
end of the year.

That would leave Aetna’s paid enrollment down as much as 30%
from that May sign-up tally.

“I think we will see some attrition … We’re already seeing it.
And we expect that to continue through the end of the year,” CEO
Mark Bertolini said in a July 29 conference call.

Aetna is, of course, only one insurer, and other insurers may
not be experiencing a similar decline. Since the launch of
Obamacare’s exchanges last year, CEO Bertolini has been more
bluntly critical of the law than other insurance execs, talking back in October
about the pre-launch problems with the exchanges, and then saying
early this year that the company will
definitely lose money on Obamacare plans in 2014
and could end up leaving the
exchange-driven insurance market entirely. Obamacare plans are only
expected to make up
about 3 percent of the company’s revenue
this year, so if
things go south, Aetna has less to lose than some of its

Even still, this is a rare early indication of the direction
enrollment has gone in the months following open enrollment. A Pro
Publica report last month
that activity—sign-ups, cancellations, and other changes
in enrollment status—remained significantly higher than expected in
the federal exchange system, but the administration wouldn’t say
how many represented new enrollments. According to an anonymous
insurance industry official, less than half were new

As Graham notes in the IBD report, enrollments in
Washington state, which reports separately from the federal
government, have shrunk from 164,062 at the end of April to 156,155
in June. 

Combine the reports, then, and it seems at least plausible,
though not at all certain, that actual enrollment in Obamacare has
fallen in recent months. 

from Hit & Run

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