Watch the U.S. Bomb Syria!, Louisiana Marriage Ban Unconstitutional, Obamacare Website Has Security Flaw: A.M. Links

  • The U.S. Navy has released a
    video of missiles
    being launched toward ISIS targets in
  • A Louisiana judge ruled Monday that the state’s ban
    on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional
    , compelling it to
    recognize the marriage of a lesbian couple wed in California.
    Earlier this month, a federal judge in Louisiana ruled in favor of
    the marriage ban. 
  • In Portand, an El Salvadoran man who came to America illegally
    19 years ago and has two children here is
    taking sanctuary in an Oregon church
    as authorities try to
    deport him following a DUI stop. 
  • Government-hired
    hackers attempted to break into
    and found both
    security pluses and one “critical vulnerability”.
  • The militarization of African police? A new Amnesty
    International report found that
    Chinese manufacturers are selling
    electric shock batons,
    mechanized restraint chairs, and other police and riot gear to
    repressive regimes in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. 
  • Kurdish
    women protesting
     U.K. inaction against ISIS were removed
    by police after chaining themselves to the U.K. Parliament
  • New Gmail users can
    opt out
     of the boondoggle that is Google+.

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