World Proxy War I – Mapping The Foreign Troops Fighting In Syria And Iraq

If only a year ago, someone had suggested that World Proxy War I would break out on the territory of what used to be Iraq and Syria, they would be deemed insane and put away in the Marriner Eccles building or some other insane asylum.

And yet, as AFP’s latest map shows, as of this moment nearly 20 nations from around the globe have deployed boots on the ground to battle a terrorist threat, which at least according to the people of Iraq, was once again created by the CIA. The biggest wildcard, of course, is how many troops the US itself has deployed, whether in “boots on the ground” of CIA “flip-flops” format, to pursue yet another regional destabilization and localized war, one, however which may just spill over in a violent and quite uncontrollable fashion.

And yes, according to the map below, it is Russia of all countries, that has the largest military presence on the most contested region on planet earth right now.


via Zero Hedge Tyler Durden

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