Tonight on The Independents: The 30-Year War, Gay Marriage Everywhere, Pyongyang Putsch, Defending Biden, That’s Your Bush!, and Aftershow

"I gotta tell ya there's a spiky lizard in my pants and I don't know what country I'm in!" |||Former defense secretary and
CIA director Leon Panettta, while flogging his new memoir

Worthy Fights: A Memoir of Leadership in War and Peace
USA Today
that “I think we’re looking at kind of a 30-year
war” against Islamic terrorist networks. Which totally doesn’t have
any negative
, above and beyond the bloody endlessness of it all!
Anyhoo, this, along with the latest Ebola nonesense, will be an
early topic on tonight’s live episode of The
(Fox Business Network, 9 p.m. ET, 6 p.m. PT,
with re-airs three hours later), featuring Party Panelists Lachlan Markay (Washington Free
staff writer) and Richard Fowler
(“Progressive Messaging Expert and all around good guy”).

The Supreme Court today
to not hear a bunch of gay marriage cases, which means
that something like half the country can now legally gay-marry, the
Pacific Legal Foundation’s Timothy Sandefur will
walk us through the legal/political thicket. Foreign policy analyst
will break down the latest battlefield confusion
surrounding ISIS. The Panel will be back to assess the latest

Jeb Bush boomlet
. Michael Malice, author of
unauthorized autobiography
of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il
Dear Reader
(as well as of a great 2013
Reason feature “My
Week in North Korea
“), will discuss the latest bizarro
Kim Jong Un rumors
. And I will mount a
qualified defense
of Vice President Joe Biden’s
chronic foot-in-mouth

Online-only aftershow begins at
just after 10. Follow The Independents on Facebook at,
follow on Twitter @ independentsFBN, and
click on this page
for more video of past segments.

from Hit & Run

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