Turkey Eases Way for Kurdish Reinforcements, Dem Election Prospects Infected by Ebola, Colorado May Ban Pot Brownies: P.M. Links

  • Pot brownieHaving just recently denounced
    the Kurdish Peshmerga as “terrorists,” Turkey’s government is
    allowing Kurdish reinforcements
    through to Kobani to battle
    ISIS. The enemy of my enemy…
  • Obamacare, assaults on civil liberties, and hostility to
    entrepreneurs and business might not have torpedoed Democratic
    election hopes, but
    fumbling the response to Ebola
    has them bleeding from the
  • Voting is
    already underway in 34 states
    by the way, so get ready for smug
    hectoring from those who have already chosen institutional party
    Candidate A over institutional party Candidate B.
  • British gun owners now face
    unannounced, warrantless visits
    to their homes by the cops,
    just because. All the more reason to keep your guns off the
  • Marijuana-based edibles such as brownies, cookies, and candy

    will be banned
    if Colorado officials have their way, because—
    Oh, let’s not pretend there’s any logic behind this.
  • “He’s been giving us descriptions, cooperating and accompanying
    us to locations,” Hammond, Indiana, Police Chief John D. Doughty

    says of Darren Deon Vann
    who, apparently, admits to at least
    seven murders over 20 years. Better late then never.

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