Is 2014 About Racism? Pa. Elects Candidate Who Once Chaired Campaign Committee of Ex-Cop Who Shot a Black Woman During Race Riots

Lot of bullshit
flying around
about how Republicans winning elections in a
country that voted for a multiracial candidate for president twice
means America’s full of racists. Maybe Republicans, who have had
little of a national theme outside of “Obama is a horrible
president” are winning tonight because, well, Obama is a horrible
president with horrible policies.

Nevertheless, race was an issue in races across the country, but
didn’t always get the attention you’d expect. In Pennsylvania, the

gubernatorial candidate, Tom Wolf,
a campaign committee of a former cop, Charlie
Robertson, who shot a black woman during race riots in 1969.
Robertson was charged with murder but acquitted. Wolf’s a Democrat
so the story got little airplay in Pennsylvania. Wolf refused to
apologize for supporting Robertson, who served as mayor of York,
Pennsylvania, or to try to distance himself from him, claiming he’s
friends, too, with the current mayor of York, an

Tom Corbett, meanwhile, loses despite a
last minute
push for the pro-cop vote in the form of a law
meant to keep convicts from speaking out if it hurts victims’
families’ feelings.

from Hit & Run

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