White House to Loser Dems: ¯_(ツ)_/¯, Guam Legalizes Medical Marijuana, Detainee Brought to U.S. for Trial: P.M. Links

  • "Let me be clear: I didn't do it."Whatever odd reasons might
    cause the Democrats to lose big in today’s election, the White
    House wants to make clear that it’s most assuredly
    not because of them
  • Citizens of Guam today voted to
    legalize medical marijuana
    there. They are the first U.S.
    territory to do so.
  • A Russian member of the Taliban
    captured in Afghanistan
    is the first detainee to be brought to
    the United States to stand trial.
  • Mexican police have captured the fugitive ex-mayor blamed for
    disappearance of 43 student teachers
    that are believed to have
    been murdered.
  • Supreme Court justices appear sympathetic that
    whistleblower protections
    should apply to an air marshal who
    exposed to the media a lack of security on certain long-distance
  • Reminder: After polls close today, we will be using our
    Reason 24/7 newsfeed and our
    Reason 24/7 Twitter
    account to help folks keep track of pivotal midterm election

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