House Votes for KeystoneXL, Teacher Ousted for Ferguson Tweets, All Eyes on Uranus: P.M. Links

  • Too pooped today to give a shit about clever alt-text.The House has voted to approve
    construction of the
    KeystoneXL pipeline
    , the ninth time it has done so. Whether it
    will make it through the Senate, still controlled by Democrats
    until January, is another question.
  • A Dallas-area school teacher was formally fired by the school
    board last night for racially charged
    tweets about the Ferguson shooting
    , which called her critics
    “crackers” and suggested they kill themselves.
  • Chicago’s first female mayor,
    Jane Byrne
    , has died at the age of 80.
  • The American Civil Liberties Union is suing the Army on behalf
    of a
    practicing Sikh applicant
    who is not being permitted to wear a
    turban or grow his hair out as his religion requires.
  • Sweden reports a
    foreign submarine trespassed
    within its waters but couldn’t say
    for certain which country it was from. The country did pick up a
    radio call in Russian, but the country denies any involvement.
  • The United Kingdom has announced it will be cancelling the
    passports of citizens who
    travel abroad to join ISIS

  • “Uranus might be full of surprises.”
    I guarantee you that
    headline writer knew exactly what he or she was

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