Baylen Linnekin: Separate School Lunch and the State

USDAEarlier this
week, Wisconsin high-school senior Meghan Hellrood organized a
one-day boycott of the awful USDA School Lunch Program meals served
at her school.

“It’s not actually giving us healthy foods,”
Hellrood told Fox
News. “It’s giving us small portions of very processed foods.”

Many students complain about one-size-fits-all portion sizes and
the lack of decent choices, according to Baylen Linnekin.

The boycott appears to have been a huge success,
with up to 85 percent of students participating.

But Hellrood says her goal is that her actions will bring change
in Washington, D.C., not just in one Wisconsin town.

“Hellrood says[] the boycott has nothing to do with her
school,” reported Wisconsin
station WAOW. “She says the boycott is about changing the ‘Healthy
Hunger-Free Kids Act.'”

But that may be the wrong goal, writes Linnekin.

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