Obama Will Propose Executive Action to Fix ‘Broken Immigration System’ on Thursday

ObamaPresident Obama announced that he intends to use
executive action to reform “our broken immigration system.” He will
clarify exactly what that means at a White House press conference
on Thursday.

He criticized Congress for failing to address the issue and
explained that legislative inaction has left him no choice.

According to

The Washington Post

“Everybody agrees that our immigration system is broken.
Unfortunately Washington has allowed the problem to
fester for too long,” Obama said. “So what’ I’m going to be laying
out is the things I can do with my lawful authority as president to
make the system work better even as I continue to work with
Congress and encourage them to get a bipartisan, comprehensive bill
that can solve the entire problem.”

Obama will also travel to Del Sol High School in Las Vegas on
Friday to build support for his immigration vision.

Stay tuned.

from Hit & Run http://ift.tt/1uwRzeD

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